Help me out here guys

1 minute read time.

Hi guys................ I have a situation going on and I need some help on this one because it is doing my head in.

I have 7 grand children, one I haven't seen for 6 years because of my one idiot son who left the child's mother and she has moved on. I see 3 of my grand daughters but my other son has 2 sons, he has fallen out with their mother so I haven't seen them for a year  and 8 months ago the same sons girlfriend (now ex) had a little girl who I haven't seen at all. There has been a lot of problems with this ex. She is a bunny boiler to say the least but she wants me to see Evie, I am so scared that if I see her and fall in love with her, that the mother will then tell me to sod off and break my heart but if I don't see her and my cancer returns and i don't pull through next time, look what I could have lost out on. I am loosing too many of these amazing little people and I haven't done a damn thing wrong and neither have my grand babies. Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    I haven't any grandchildren (that I know of) ...and the way my 3 boys are going probably never will, but I think I understand how hard this is for you. I'm not going to be any help because Carol sweetheart only you can make that choice....((((((hugs))))))) and xxxxxxxxx's


    Love Life Laughter

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    I have 2 step-grandchildren (5 & 7yrs) who live 200 miles away. I haven't seen them since May - we were supposed to be on holiday with them in August but I had to go into hospital, then they were supposed to visit at half-term last week & all the family went down with a sickness bug. I miss them dreadfully cos I know being with them gives me the strength to keep fighting. Hopefully I will be seeing them before Christmas & I look forward to that precious time.

    If you don't see Evie you will always wonder 'what if'' and lifes too short for that. If things go sour with her mother then you have still had some precious time with Evie and the memories will always be with you. I know Evie is too young to understand about the complications in your family but perhaps you can write a letter for her to open in years to come in the event of you no longer being in her life, so that she knows what her gran was like and how you loved her, no matter what the circumstances were.

    Good luck Carol, whatever your decision may be,

    Love Angie xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks guys.....I have never stuck my nose in my kids business. Fault has been on both sides with my kids and their partners but I have kept out of it. I will see Evie and take a chance All my grand babies live in the same town with the exception of one. I miss them all so much. So once again thank you, where would I be without you lot Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol you are doing the right thing! It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. I know that better than anybody. I hope all goe's well for you. Anyway don't grandparents have rights these days? Take care love Julie XX

  • FormerMember

    I think that you need to  deal with this situation on two levels.Grab the chance to see Evie with  both hands (and your heart!) but always have at the back of your mind that things MIGHT go wrong that will not be your fault. My granddaughter is my soul mate and I can't envisage being without her but I have  a grandson who I never see becasue his father fell out with one of my other sons. C'mon, Kezzer, you've grabbed life - just use your noggin bit and I am sureyou will get the outcome that you want.

    Keep smiling


