Coming back to Life

2 minute read time.
Hi guys....................No the Kezzerbird has not fallen off the face of the earth!!!!! Two things really to say..... one an update (for those who don,t know me see my profile and blogs) I am still in steady remission and have to see my consultant in 3 months instead of every six weeks. My hair which was thick straight brown and long before cancer is coming back thick wavy and curly with multi tones and not a grey hair to be seen (right on!!!!) My weight is stable and I am now a size 12 which I was before rather than a size 6 I didn't right has a supermodel! My brain is beginning to function again after 10 chemos and I am off all medication.............just goes to show you that amazing things can happen, I am coming back to life, how I will never know. A lovely mate said God didn't want you, nor did the Devil, so we are stuck with you!!!!!!!! I have been left with arthrictic symtoms, which a consultant (my favorite consultant took the day off, proberly cause he saw my name on his list) and told me that Taxol can cause these symtoms which will go, but he said it can take years, I pointed out to him they have to be gone by October as I am going back to work, no matter what (female bouncer!) I have been catching up with jobs around the house that haven't been done, loosing that year out of my life as left me with loads to do and where everything was a chore, now everything I do is great and seeing that twice I nearly lost my battle, I feel thankful to have a second chance, I don't know how long I have (I have a 50% chance of cancer returning BUT that means I have a 50% chance of it not coming back) I am off on my motorbike again and causing havock where ever I never give up, I know that isn't always that easy, I myself had enough and just wanted to die and nearly did, I wanted to stop treatment but I kicked my own backside and fought like crazy. I am lucky I know. The second thing is I am doing the Race for Life this sunday at The Eden Project in Cornwall, I can't run so I shall power walk it, I may have to power crawl strength is coming back slowly in my muscles.............if anyone would like to sponser me that would be great, if not that too is fine, the website is offical and is......................................... http://www.raceforlifesponsorme/carolpemberton I have raise £300 pounds so far, I left it a little late to enter because I didn't know if I would be well enough to take part but every penny counts and people are raising money all over the country for this cause and I know without that, I wouldn't be here today. To save just one life from this hell is great,,,,,,,,,,,,,to help save thousands is beyond amazing. Thanks guys and like always................a big hug to those that want them. Love Carol xxxxxx I am just a cog in the gearbox of the world
  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Welcome back to the land of the living. It made me feel great to read your blog. Enjoy the rest of your life, you deserve a bit of fun now!

    Best wishes, Shelagh

  • FormerMember

    Hi Shelagh.................thanks chic. I hope all is well with you. It feels good to do a blog like this, it shows that no matter how dark things are, the sun can shine through. Take care x

  • FormerMember

    so pleased you r on the up and up  you were one of the first people on here to inspire me with your determination and humor

    enjoy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    So glad to hear your news and it must give inspiration for others. I am struggling a bit - I am on my sixth chemo and as the effects are cumulative the side effects are building up.

    Kee pit up, keep smiling and good luck with your power walk/crawl.




  • FormerMember

    hiya, always great to read a blog like this its what we are all aiming for! fantastic news and long may it continue, take care :)