Ken King

  • Jan's Progress


    Hi everybody...sorry I haven't been here lately to update you on Jan's  progress but I have been here in Glasgow for two weeks now and spending 8-10 hours each day with her at the hospital (Beatson) and I can assure you that she is doing just fine. The latest information from her doctors was that they have been watching her progress through the scans she has every Monday and her tumor has gotten "smaller and smaller…

  • Finally made it!


    Just want to let you know that I landed in Edinburgh on Thursday morning at 8:10am and I was in Glasgow sitting beside Jan at the Beatson by noon. Thought I did well with that considering I had no real plan set to get here from the

    I am here (Beatson) with Jan now...we deceided to have a feeding tube put in after I arrived yesterday because Jan was having major problems swallowing and her weight was dropping…

  • Group Hugs for Jan


    We are sitting at our computers...our webcams are as close as we can get to each other right now...Jan goes into hospital tomorrow morning for an over night chemo and then on to RT...our friend Brian had to return home today so Jan is by herself at the moment...and yes...the tears are flowing!
    I want to put my arms around her so badly that it comfort her...take her pain and fears away...but I can't...there is…

  • Lost Newbie


    Hi everyone...I'm Ken...Jan King's husband. not really sure where to post this but hopefully it will get found by somebody.
    I have done a lot of reading here under Jan's ID so I fell like I know some of you already. There are many great people here and I admire the strength and courage of all who are affected by this nasty desease.

    Jan and I met online 10 years ago and after many trips across the Atlantic…