My computer went on strike!

1 minute read time.

My lap-top developed a mind of its own recently and started to switch itself off just whenever it felt like it. I had words with it (not repeatable here) and was convinced it had a bug (Swine 'Flu? Avian Flu?) so I thought I should run a virus check. Would the computer let me? No it bl**dy well wouldn't, and promptly turned itself off again. Desperate times called for desperate measures so I 'phoned my local friendly computer guy who rushed to my aid and took it off to his 'computer hospital'.

Ah well, I said to myself, at least I can use my husband's desk-top. I fired it up and clicked on Outlook Express - nothing.... I clicked on the Internet... nothing. More unrepeatable words and desk kicking. 'Phone my computer guy AGAIN. He comes and takes the desk-top to his 'computer hospital'. I am bereft... I am cut off from all my Mac friends.

Computer guy repairs both computers - desk top problem was lack of memory space, but (oh the shame) my laptop was simply bunged up with dirt and fluff and overheating the fans. Note to self: must do the dusting more often!

Right, I'm off now to do some overdue spring cleaning.


  • FormerMember

    hi Kate, couldn't help but luagh when I read your blog.....well I never, bunged up with fluff and dust......

    just before xmas my sons desktop packed up, he'd taken it to uni, and didnt want a laptop first off.....anyway as I couldnt afford to buy him a new laptop for xmas, I loaned him mine.........come his 21st birthday in March I was able to bye him a lovely shiney new laptop, and thought great, now i will get my laptop back...............

    So I gave him the laptop for his birthday and he was over the moon, "can I have mine back now" I said,  "of course" he said....."but by the way mum, it keeps switching itself off"...mmmmm, he proceeded to give me my laptop along with a bag of washing, can only say when I got to the bottom of the bag it wasnt very pleasant now Im thinking  student=laptop=dust and fluff.....maybe that is the problem with mine, I stuck it in the cupboard to look at later, as I have sole use of desktop, and wasnt particularly bothered for the time being......but im gonna get it out tomorrow and try turning it on, now its had time to settle, if that doesnt work maybe I will try the hammer approach (or maybe a rubber mallet).......

  • Or, Flossy... take a vacuum cleaner to it? Mind you, I'm not sure where to stick the nozzle.
