Joined up thinking! (My ar***!)

Less than one minute read time.

Just a quick moan about hospital inefficiency. A precis: I have severe back pain - onc recommends bone scan. Bone scan results - something nasty (but unidentified) in the woodshed. Onc orders an MRI and makes an appointment to tell me the results of said MRI on 1st April. I get a letter today telling me my MRI is booked for 8th April. Doh!

Sorry - just had to get that off my chest.


  • FormerMember

    I think I would buy a calendar and present it to them on my next visit, but I suppose it may confuse them................

    Bill xxx

  • A bit like Sue I got an appointment beyond the time the consultant had asked and rang and explained, they replied as it was not marked urgent I was given a routine appointment, after the chat she rearranged and got one within the week.

    Does no harm to ring as they won't know about your appointment.

    good luck


  • FormerMember

    hi kate - i agree with john phone MRI dept and explain if no luck there phone onc secretary - she may be able to sort out for you

    good luck hun xNx

  • Thank you all for your replies. I did call the oncologist's secretary and explained what had happened. She apologized, said she would talk to the onc and then call me back "within the next hour". That was at 2p.m. yesterday... I am still waiting for that call. What a surprise!


  • FormerMember

    oh hell... what are they like!... i had 2 scans booked in the same week for the same thing!! good job i questioned it.... lol... i suppose better too much than not enough though...

    good luck with getting it sorted kate

    liz xxxx