Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

1 minute read time.

Ok, I don't really know what your ment to put on these but here goes:

My partner has got cancer, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma to be exact. It started off as Hodgkins Lymphoma til we went to UCL in London to be told it had been mis-diagnosed. We've not been together long, but I knew about his cancer before we started dating. He had just finished his course of ABVD,  he then had to have ESHAP because although the ABVD had shrunk it, it had grown with a vengeance after three months. We then found that throughout the ESHAP the cancer had grown and spread, he then had to have a course of Mini Beam R ( R-retuximab), but after this course we went back to London to be told that the treatment had only shrunk in a few places, grown in others, and stayed the same on others,  so he is now going through Mini Leam R (R-retuximab) to see if it does anything. He has become very aggressive towards me, and has mood swings, he has days where he doesn't want to talk to me, and lately he doesn't want to be anywhere near me. I've been told that these are possibly side effects of the chemotherapy, so I was wondering if there was anyone on here that could help me out?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Karla,

    Sorry to hear about your trouble. Yes Im afraid so one day you can be fine the next day you could chew the head off a cow.. I wish you both well look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hey there i was only with my bf for 7 months before we found out he had cancer.. was very hard when he had chemo he was moody and grumpy even tried to leave me a couple of times.. but i couldnt imagine wat he mustve been feeling so i just tried and keept my chin up.. he eventually realised he needed me and things took a massive turn around.. hang in there with him because he needs you! its so hard, try and tell him how much its affecting you xo

  • FormerMember

    fellow NHL patient here... i think it must be a case of no one is the same with chemo therapy....i have NHL AND r-cvp....r-chop and r-dhap i get retuximab top up every 12 weeks...i didnt get moody or grumpy to be honest....BUT as i say it effects everyone big hate was not being able to ride my vespa or get out that sure it would help if your boyfriend was to chat with other patients who have been through the same thing...often easier to talk to an outsider then someone close...dont know IF your boyfriend is on facebook but i have a link to my facebook page in my profile and your welcome to tell your partner to add me as a friend on facebook....your partner could be scared...worried....frustrated at not being able to do as much as he once could...maybe just fed up of all the treatment ...tired...etc   as i say its often easier to talk to someone whose not close....all the best anyway.....and sometimes when you dont think things will improve with NHL they can....i was diagnosed 3 years ago in in remission for the second time....first time only lasted 3 months....second time had been 18 months so far...
