Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

1 minute read time.

Ok, I don't really know what your ment to put on these but here goes:

My partner has got cancer, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma to be exact. It started off as Hodgkins Lymphoma til we went to UCL in London to be told it had been mis-diagnosed. We've not been together long, but I knew about his cancer before we started dating. He had just finished his course of ABVD,  he then had to have ESHAP because although the ABVD had shrunk it, it had grown with a vengeance after three months. We then found that throughout the ESHAP the cancer had grown and spread, he then had to have a course of Mini Beam R ( R-retuximab), but after this course we went back to London to be told that the treatment had only shrunk in a few places, grown in others, and stayed the same on others,  so he is now going through Mini Leam R (R-retuximab) to see if it does anything. He has become very aggressive towards me, and has mood swings, he has days where he doesn't want to talk to me, and lately he doesn't want to be anywhere near me. I've been told that these are possibly side effects of the chemotherapy, so I was wondering if there was anyone on here that could help me out?

  • FormerMember
    Hello karla! I know what you're going thru as me and my bf went thru a similar situation .. I was diagnosed with non Hodgkin lymphoma stage 3 on 4th of feb2013, and me and my bf been together for 7 months at the time... And like anybody else I just got angry with myself, thinking that its not fair on me my little child and him, that all that is happening to me:-/ when you're angry with yourself -that affects your partner the most ( and close ppl around you). I had moments when didn't want to see him or talk to him (like you mentioned ) but I never meant it , I was unhappy inside , that's why I did it , and he just stood by me, understanding ! We are stronger then ever now! I am a lot better now , only because of his endless support and my little boys smile- that's all what keeps me going :-) we've celebrated our first anniversary since we met,and I can't be happier! It is very hard live with such a serious illness doesn't matter you're man or woman , young or old , and people who care for us suffer as well if not more ! So karla , be strong and patient ,and I wish you all blessings! You both will beat it ! X