just gutted!!!!

1 minute read time.

My husband has NHL which was diagnosed in February 2010 this totally devastated us and our daughter !!!!!! but we got on with it and he now has had 8 r-chop chemotherapy treatments  everything went well pet scans came back good with vast reductions!!!!!   :)   ( We actually got to see the scans couldn't believe something so huge could now be down to next to nothing ) The last pet scan results we got in October were not exactly what we wanted to hear               ' Nothing has changed since the last one in July'        felt like we were back at square one !!!!!!   (  well for a couple of days anyway )   he has just started 16 lots of radiotherapy so with have everything crossed that this does the job and gets rid of the final little bit !!!!

Radiotherapy all finished he did really well no bad side effects apart from tiredness!!!   just got to wait until  2nd March to see if it has worked .....  this is the hardest part can't bare the waiting !!!!!!!!

Well 2nd of March date been put back to 9th but hey hoe only 8 more days of waiting !!!  Only thing is the nearer it gets just can't decide if I'm excited or absolutely petrified !!!!! 

Well results are , not good need to start treatment again he goes back into hospital on sunday for a week of strong chemo, 3 weeks off then repeat , pet scan then they decide if he needs  2  more. looks like he will need a stem cell replacement so thats 4-6 weeks in Jimmys'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We are all just devestated   :(   thought we had beaten this he is so well !!  hey hoe onards and upwards we coped once we will again !  But i can't help thinking what if this doesn't work ????????

  • FormerMember

    Hi matey,

               I can understand your devastation at the latest results, especially as the earlier ones were so good. This disease is a stubborn b****r and sometimes needs an extra kick to get rid of it. This is what the strong chemo will do  and as you say, you coped before and will again. I wish your husband the very best of luck with the chemo and send warm wishes to you both.

             Take care,

              Love lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lizzie

         Thank you for your kind wishes it really means a lot. We have just about got our heads round the news and his fighting spirit has returned   :) . He has just returned home after his first weeks stay in hospital but is coping really well !!!!  

          love maxine xxxx