Losing 2 people I love most

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Please help me - told on Monday my husband has 1 year to live due to oesophageal cancer spread to lungs.  Told yesterday that my mum has 6 months to live (we and she thought she was healthy last week) due to bone, brain, breast cancers. 

  • FormerMember

    dear julie - just logged on and saw ur blog first - sorry i havent "seen"you before .....so had a quick catch up

    you poor darling - what a rough time - i wish i had some wonderful words of wisdom that would help you at this traumatic time ...... but- im dumb struck -

    please accept my (((((HUGS)))) and sending waves of cyberstrength to you


  • FormerMember

    Dear Julie

     Have  been following your journey, I am so sorry at the news,I too wish I had words to make it better but sadly there is none,Sending you ((((hugs)))) and will be thinking of you and your family tonight.

    Nora X

  • FormerMember

    my heart goes out you. Try and keep strong(easier said than done).

    Love and hugs Stacey

  • FormerMember

    i know its so easy to say but please dont worry to much because specialists have been know to be so wrong from the people i have met in chemo units and in hospitals and talked with..

    how do they know for sure how long anyone has to live...i have met people given months who are still here 2 years later....i think specialists seem to be so different from hospital to hospital...only one person has ever given me a time span and that was before i had my r-dhap chemo and then the time span was months, or maybe a bit longer....are some specialist different or docs maybe in what they tell us patients...it seems so....i so hope there wrong about the 1 year and the 6 months prediction....i asked about time spans my specialist at castle hill and my one in scarborough only a few days ago and neither of them would give a guess or a prediction....hugs

  • FormerMember

    So sorry, Julie - like others have said no words can soften the blow but you sound like you will look after each other now. Graeme's right about the stats and predictions. All you can do is live YOUR lives - there's no fixed pattern to this. Sending you loads of love and strength karen xx