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Well just to update you, mum was due her liver resection operation this morning.  They done a laperscopy first and decided it was not possible to operate. Tumour is to close to an artery. I suppose Chemo will now be next.  The fight now begins.  I think after the initial shock of hearing surgery wouldn't be done the family now just feel numb. Dont really know what else to say, I think for the first time in my life words are just not enough......


  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie, hearing unexpected bad news is like being hit by a truck, it knocks everything out w of you but the fight is not over yet. Chemo can do wonders these days and although the hospital gives you the terrifying worst case scenarios regarding potential side effects, the worst my father has so far experienced is extreme tiredness a day or so after the infusion. I know it's hard but try to hang on to your fighting spirit, you and your mum. We'll be thinking of you, xxx

  • FormerMember

    Just had a call from my stepdad, chemo is not an option, there is nothing they can do for her.  I am afraid it is terminal....... Not a good day at all.  Thanks for all your support xx

  • FormerMember

    Hugs Mate xx

    You every need a rant, a scream or even a gentle word you have so many on here who understand

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much John, while all my family are falling to pieces I cant even cry, I just feel numb at the moment.  Dont think I quite believe it although watching her go downhill so quickly I think I already knew the outcome