I want some answers

1 minute read time.

I of on the 120 mile round trip to see my mum today, I hope I can hold it together for her sake. Its so frustrating cause my mum and stepdad dont want to know anything,. they only want to no what they have to know.  Me and my sisters want some answers.Why are they not happy with her levels? What should they be Why have they shut part of her liver down? Simple things like that. Mum has said she is happy for us to find out but she doesn't want to no.  Will the doctors tell us? only one way to find out I suppose. It is so frightening to see the speed of how this thing has taken hold of her body.  So worried about my stepdad as well he is wearing himself out keeping busy so as not to think about it.  You see they have always been inseparable, always done absolutely everything together. God forbid anything happens he is going to fall apart. Well arrangements made my end hubby coming home from work early to get boys from school, so I can visit.  Hospital visiting times are rubbish, there is no possible way I can visit and be back for the boys, so I have to make do with twice weekly visits when hubby can get out of work early.  Boy does that make me feel guilty.  This is MY MUM and I should be able to see her every bloody day. Petrol is so expensive it is just not possible. Sorry rant over just needed to get it of my chest. x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie

    You are absolutely right to be as angry as you sound.  I can only offer you a big (((((hug)))))).

    All the very best

    Georgia XXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie ,

    You rant and rave all you like you have every right to

    as Georgia says. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for your comments, they mean a lot.  Mum looked a lot better than she has done. Still couldn't find anyone to get any answers.That is the frustrating bit I think. Everytime we get told she cant go home her levels are to low, we go into panic thinking the worse.  If we knew what they should be and what they are things might not be so bad on the scale of things.  Its the not knowing... I am finding this group a lot of comfort knowing I am not alone in my thoughts and its not me being utterly selfish, it seems most of us think along the same lines. Good luck to you all xx