Jules Blog or The Voice Inside My Head

  • Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff


    I have an issue with time! (She says looking at the time, 11.40pm and having only just started typing when she has to get up at 6am for work!) I have always had a problem with time, all those long days sat in school looking out of the window and wishing I was elsewhere turned me into a bit of a daydreamer, or maybe it was just in my nature to sit and dream. Whatever, it became a habit to sit and think of much more pleasant…

  • Is there anyone out there? Or My First Blog


    Here I am, sat here on my bed in my little bedroom alone, apart from Jake my dog, dunking Rich Tea biscuits into coffee! WHAT?! I know, I know! Sacrilege, a faux pas! I will be cast out of society tea drinking circles! This is what it has come to; the water in this town is so appalling I can no longer drink tea; it doesn’t taste like tea anymore. What could I do? The biscuits were about to go soggy with age, having been…