Last Ritux and then scans Husband now scared as to what they will find!

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Its fast approaching my husbands last Ritux treatment (28th Oct) and then the following week he will undergo PET and CT scans to see if the Ritux has done its job.  He is very scared, isnt talking at all about anything really just quite withdrawn.  I have tried to engage him but I really dont know where to go with this.  I have told him that from the information on this site and blogs and forums that you lovely people have posted the outlook doesnt seem to be as grim and there is every possibility that the Ritux has worked and controlled the lymphoma tumour in his abdomen and he could even be in remission.  He's not convinced or feeling positive at all.  Now unless there is something he is not telling me I am at a loss as to how to deal with this.  Can anyone help? 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jules,

    It must be hard for you to talk to your hubby if hes not thinking in a positive way. The best you can do and this is always the hard bit. Waiting for the results of his tests and his scans. Once he gets the results, at least you will both know where you stand. All the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx