
2 minute read time.

I feel so terriby upset. I have just upset my poor 82 year old mum by shouting at her and telling her that she doesn't care about me. That she worries that her 87 year old sister is going to die, that my sisters ulcerative colitis is bad, that my brother is hard of hearing and lives alone. That the neighbour next door is going blind and he lives alone. That my brothers daughter has learning difficulties. My mum might be 82 but she is fit she works 4 days a week 8 hours a day in my brothers fruit and veg shop. On her day off she works on my sisters market stall. My mum retired as a nurse at 59, worked until she was 68 in a shop then started working for my brother at 77.

My mum was there for me whilst I was in hospital when my bowel had burst and I found out I had cancer. Since then she visited me once that was the week I came out of hospital. That was 4 months ago she has never been near since and apart from the occasional call I see her if I visit the shop. Today was another day off and she was on the market stall.

Its not as if she has to work for my siblings because they have staff, she go's because she enjoys it.

I asked her today when it will be my turn for her to spend time with me. Her answer was if I need her why don't I give her a call and ask. I said that I didn't mean because I needed her but because she wants to spend time with her eldest daughter and to do nice things together. For her to come to my house. Her answer was " To come to your hoiuse I have to get the bus."

Mum I do need you I am in the throws of 6 months of chemo having had 2 treatments. Then I face radiotherapy. I am scared of what my future might hold. I live alone. You were there for me when I needed you, when I was in intensive care. It isn't over yet, I have a very long haul ahead of me and I do need your support.

 I have such a large family and yet I have no support. They go on with their lives as if nothing has happened, just like they did after my husbands funeral.

I made my mum cry today, now I feel guilty, so very very sad. I am sorry mum that I got cancer, I am sorry that you are worried about me, but that doesn't help me, I still need your support and your love.  I Love You Mum XXX

  • FormerMember


    I have just read your blog - and I am in tears.

    I too have made my Mum cry on more than one occasion.

    She is 84.

    I can understand how  you feel - it sounds like you are not getting the support your Mums friends or other members of the family are getting. I think my Mum wants to bury her head in the sand - and whenI am talking to her - it is as if she is on automatic pilot and starts nodding - but I dont think she is listening to me half the time.

    It is very strange how we can belong to a large family and yet feel so very alone when it comes to cancer.

    Take care

    love Maralynxx

  • FormerMember

    Go back and talk to her my lovely and say what you really feel, there is nothing wrong with needing you mum you know and you never say sorry for having cancer, no one asks for this bloody desease my love. The guys on here are part of my family now and I can always talk to them and so can you, be a part of this familyx

  • FormerMember

    I'm sorry your so upset, why dont you let your mum read the blog you've written. Some-times the written word has more power than talking. And yes I agree with Kez we are a family and will always support you, just let us know. I hope you feel better now you've got this off your chest. Love Linda  p.s. keep in touch

  • FormerMember

    Oh jusjus

    You just made me cry.  Like Linda avove I agree , show your mum the blog you have written, and she will understand.  We all deal with the news that a loved one has cancer, differently, and it is not unusual for some of us to withdraw from those we love.   I truly believe when some people do this they are not aware of actually doing it, but I think it's  a way of protecting yourself from hurt.  No mother wants to see their child suffer from this awful disease and I think your mother is burying her head in the sand.  You are her daughter and she is frightened  of what lies ahead too.  Sit dow and, talk to her, tell her what you have told us and ask for her help.

    I t could be you are like m sister and she pretends she is so strong and doesn't want any fuss, so is is hard for us loved ones to read what is on your mind especially when you are being so "bloody minded" and shutting us out, and I mean that in the nicest possible way.  

    JusJus53 talk to her , put your arms around her and let her in, she sounds an amazing lady working at her age good on her, but could be she is trying to occupy her mind with keeping herself busy.  Hope things are okay for you both, take care

    Jo Mac

  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry for you right now.  Wish I was your mother!  I have a mum like yours, she is 87.  Her brother was dying and she was invited to go see him..didn't want to see him ill....didn't want to remember him like that!  I need her right now and when we say we are going to visit her, she will make the excuse 'don't drag Peter out....we don't need anything'!  No but perhaps we do!!!

    I am not making excuses but sometimes I wonder if this lack of interest in us is because they are so close to the end of their days, it is just too upsetting that they have had a good innings and we won't!  Do you know what I mean?  I hope I won't be like this with my children.

    Come on here, we all want to adopt you, day or night makes no odds to us.  Have a good moan, write it all down!

    Cherryl xx