cist or no cist that is the question

1 minute read time.

A big hello to all my friends on here and to anyone who has never met me before.

I have just had 3 wonderful weeks away and came back to an emergency appointment with my oncologist.

Now let me start at the beginning. When all this happened to me the surgeon told me that I had a cist on the liver and that they were sure that that was all it was. I have had 4 scans since, 2 CT and 2 MRI and up until the last one in April my oncologist too was sure that it was just a harmless cist. My last scan was just after I had finished 6 months of chemotherapy, and lo and behold the cist had shrunk in size.

This made my oncologist suspicious so he took my scan to an MDT meeting and asked 2 different radiologists to look at them. Now they say that the blot on the scan has darkened in colour and looks granulated, so now it has become suspicious. My oncologist is sending me for a PET scan, if it comes back posititve then he is referring me to a specialist in Blackburn who deals only with the liver. If it is ok then he will ask the specialist to look at it anyway to confirm it.

I feel that it is going to come back as secondary liver cancer. I can't be so lucky as to have had bowel cancer that penetrated the bowel wall and 2 lymph nodes and for it not to have gone anywhre else.

I feel so sad, that just when I thought it was all over it might start all over again.

I dealt  with it all in my stride from the start, chemotherapy wasn't too bad. Somehow I have lost my nerve.

I need some of Carol's spirit to help me through this but I know that she needs it all for herself.

As I haven't been on here for awhile and I have found alot of people that I haven't met before I trust that all my old mates are doing well.

Love to everyone Julie XXXX

  • FormerMember

    I'd like to say nice to see you again Julie - but it aint!

    Now before anyone lynches me, what I mean is, I would rather you were doing so well and living the highlife that this site was a mere blur in your memory.  

    However, you're here and among familiar faces and friends again.  We will gladly kick you up the butt and toughen you up  SHOULD you need us to.  At this point we don't know and I am really wishing and hoping its not as bad you fear.

    Good luck and keep us posted.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie

    I'm still here!!

    We helped one another through our treatment for bowel cancer, and I'm still here for you to help you through this. I hope your suspicions are wrong but if not, I'm ready to polish up the battle armour, stand beside you and kick some a**.

    Angela xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie wait until all the tests are done before you go making yourself ill. As Debs says we are all here if you need us. Good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie

    I am so very sorry about this new worry for you.

    I don't know much about bowel cancer, however I do know that there are quite often treatments that are offered to bowel cancer patients who have liver secondaries which are not offered to oesophageal cancer patients.  My husband has OC with liver mets and I have been doing a little reading on the subject (that 'liitle' is a huge understatement.   Even if the news is what you fear, it sounds as if they have caught it very early and that is very, very much in your favour.  

    If I can be of any help, feel free to contact me.

    I will be keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you.  

    Best wishes.  xxx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry!  That didn't sound very cheery - forgive me!
