Joycee's Blog

  • Another Review........that came round quickly !


    Well, I can hardly believe that the last four months have past by so quickly as tomorrow it's back to The Christie for my check-up again. As per usual, my nerves are starting to jangle at the thought ......... especially as three years ago I was almost at the end of Radiotherapy and in a very bad state ( indeed, I was so bad that they admitted me to a ward for care ) So that will entail a rather quick and undignified…

  • Still sore !


    Sorry, but I have bottled this up for long enough now - my tongue is still very sore after almost three years post-radiotherapy and I am beginning to become despondent about the whole thing. I understand that it can take a long time to heal, but all the info on the subject reckons it usually takes about six weeks  to mention of years !

    I have tried just about everything to try and encourage the healing…

  • Three Years Forward


    At about this time three years ago I was nervously trying to settle into my ' new home ' for the next two and a half weeks - a ward in Wythenshawe Hospital. My operation was planned for the following morning when the carcinoma was to be surgically removed from the floor of my mouth. It was a very strange feeling to be away from home, and whilst trying to be brave, a medic came with the usual forms and then proceeded…

  • Bit of a Down Day


    Felt a bit down today over my inability to eat ' normally ' - apart from my recent success in managing some bread with soup, I am still finding it quite difficult to move the food with my tongue. I realise that this may be largely due to the extensive surgery and radiation, but after almost three years I was hoping to be way further along. Maybe I am expecting too much - or do I have to come to terms with the fact…

  • Bread !


    This week I reached another long-awaited goal - for the first time in almost three years I had a taste of bread ! It was a rather messy operation because it was necessary to ' dunk ' the piece of bread into my tomato soup to make it softer - where's a bib when you need one ? But, with a lot of effort I did manage to eat the biggest part of a wholemeal roll........wonderful !