Bit of a Down Day

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Felt a bit down today over my inability to eat ' normally ' - apart from my recent success in managing some bread with soup, I am still finding it quite difficult to move the food with my tongue. I realise that this may be largely due to the extensive surgery and radiation, but after almost three years I was hoping to be way further along. Maybe I am expecting too much - or do I have to come to terms with the fact that I may never eat ' normal ' food again and be grateful that at least I am alive ? Normally I try to be optimistic about everything - perhaps it's just a ' bad hair day ' - I guess that I should be thankful for where I am at the moment and snap out of it. Tomorrow is another day !

  • FormerMember

    Hugs Joycee,

    Sorry to hear your having one of those days but  now and then we all get them, and I know how strong you have been in your fight to get this far.

    I am sure if it can be done you will get there sometimes it just takes longer. Here's hoping tomorrow will be your day.

    Love Sandra xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya My Pal Joycee,

    We all have those dark down days. Eat plenty of soft cake and you will feel better Promise.. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Jackie.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much Plum and Jackie - you both made me feel loads better ! I shall try the soft cake. Lovee, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joycee

    You are right tomorrow is another day, stay positive hun. Do eat cake i find it helps enourmously!!!!!

    Love Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joycee...I hope your night was better than your day...and speaking of bad hair days...maybe I should start sending you pictures of my hair in the mornings...that would make you stop feeling sorry for I'm sure Jan would back me up on

    I know it has to be frustrating that things are taking so long get back to "normal"...but they just stay positive...and take more of those "happy pills" I've heard so much Hugs.......Ken