Still sore !

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Sorry, but I have bottled this up for long enough now - my tongue is still very sore after almost three years post-radiotherapy and I am beginning to become despondent about the whole thing. I understand that it can take a long time to heal, but all the info on the subject reckons it usually takes about six weeks  to mention of years !

I have tried just about everything to try and encourage the healing process, but to no avail. Maybe this is something I have to learn to live with - yes, indeed I am grateful to be alive - but some days it feels like my resolve is being ground down and I have no fight left. Another down day, I guess.


  • FormerMember

    So very sorry to hear that Joycee.It must be awful.What did the hospital say?Keep coming here for support xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Just popped in to give you a big hug Joycee!

    God bless.  Alison. x

  • FormerMember

    MIke has the same issue.  

    Every so often the tongue graft 'sheds' a layer (it's actually made of a slab of skin from his arm) and it's just a painful process for a while.  So Joycee, living with the soreness is frankly a bit rubbish, and there's nothing to be done to make it better I think.  We just have to stick to blander foods for a bit - that's when the Ensure drinks etc are particularly useful as they can tide you over until the soreness subsides.

    No one tells you this is how it will be.  If they did, you might disbelieve them!  Accept the disappointment if you can - don't feel you have to 'fight it'  - these feelings should pass in time.  You can't force or expect yourself to be optimistic all the time.  Mike is pretty OK with what he can eat, but quite often at teatime he'll wish out loud that he could still have cake or biscuits...and I don't blame him for mentioning it!  I would probably dwell on things with sadness if I had a long term disability with eating/ head and neck cancer patients can be left with after what is pretty brutal medical treatment.

    I hope brighter times come soon for you.  Lots of love Cathy XXXX

  • FormerMember

    So sorry you are feeling down Joycee but can understand a little how you feel about being in constant pain. I know from Ken how it can bring .. you down and drain you. I cannot give you any help with regards to how to get rid of it but just to let you know I am thinking of you and hope you have a better day tomorrow.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Joycee

    I too was told that effects from radiotherapy (on my breast) wouldn't last more that a couple of weeks.  It's been 18 months now and I'm still sore.  Apparently it has something to do with the dosage of radiation we got.  I was told that since my lump was touching the lung, I had 'huge amounts' of radiation and I may never recover!  

    Oh well!  I'm learing to live with a sensitive breast!

    All the very best

    Georgia XXXXXXXXX