Still sore !

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Sorry, but I have bottled this up for long enough now - my tongue is still very sore after almost three years post-radiotherapy and I am beginning to become despondent about the whole thing. I understand that it can take a long time to heal, but all the info on the subject reckons it usually takes about six weeks  to mention of years !

I have tried just about everything to try and encourage the healing process, but to no avail. Maybe this is something I have to learn to live with - yes, indeed I am grateful to be alive - but some days it feels like my resolve is being ground down and I have no fight left. Another down day, I guess.


  • FormerMember

    Goodness I'm just 5 weeks out first scope and follow up app today all looks normal so far:) got to go again in 4 weeks. I'm still sore and have been told my hair loss is permanent but I'm so glad when o read your 3 years out Joyce still here! When I go to Hosp it brings the worry it may come back in to my head. I suppose it's domthing you get used to.  You are doing so well Joyce I hope the Tongue gets better in time.

    Take care of you

    Jayne x