Still sore !

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Sorry, but I have bottled this up for long enough now - my tongue is still very sore after almost three years post-radiotherapy and I am beginning to become despondent about the whole thing. I understand that it can take a long time to heal, but all the info on the subject reckons it usually takes about six weeks  to mention of years !

I have tried just about everything to try and encourage the healing process, but to no avail. Maybe this is something I have to learn to live with - yes, indeed I am grateful to be alive - but some days it feels like my resolve is being ground down and I have no fight left. Another down day, I guess.


  • Being in constant pain can really drag you down. Have you asked your GP for strong painkillers? They should be sympathetic to easing pain whatever its source.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Thank you dear friends, for your replies which I really do appreciate. I have asked my consultant if there is anything that he can recommend, but unfortunately there is nothing - no cure but time. It was all due to the radiation burning my mouth and my tongue took the brunt of it, despite the horrid mouth-piece I had to use during the treatment. If the pain is too much I resort to Co-codamols which seem to work, but I prefer not to take them if possible, warm saltwater mouth rinses also help to a point. Still I shall try to buck myself up and carry on regardless ! Once again, thanks for your kind comments and support. Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Good for you Joycee.  You are doing everything you can.  I am the most impatient patient in the world (I kept fretting in psychiatric hospital about being allowed off the ward, as I hated being locked up).  It's only natural to find it all a bit trying sometimes!

    Love Cathy

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Cathy. Feeling a bit better today as I have been religiously using a warm saltwater mouth rise - not too strong - and hopefully it's doing the trick. Guess that I'm also an impatient patient in wanting things to be right yesterday ! Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    You're only human!  Having cancer doesn't change that.
