Day One

Less than one minute read time.

Well my strange mood has gone – I’ve got over myself after a little chat with Rooby Booby (thanks Roobs ).

I am BRCA1+ and found this out a few weeks ago. Since then, I have had a breast MRI which is clear (phew) and today I spent first hour of my day in the company of my new consultant (still have the old one too – am a bit greedy like that) and now have a breast care nurse too. How lucky am I to have all these lovely people looking after me, and that’s why I’ve got over myself because others aren’t so fortunate, are they?

So watch and wait for 12 months or so and then maybe some new pert boobies if the decision is mastectomy – preventative surgery, don’t you know! I am going to look like a hot cross bun once they’ve finished with me.

But this is better than the alternative..... Lots more talking and thinking to do....

  • FormerMember
    Hello, hello and what a lot you had to take in and come to terms with but you sound as if your are surfacing again and in good hands which is always a bit of a relief. As for burning hot cross buns, never a good thing to do?! Big hug and keep positive xxxx
  • FormerMember

    I have to say I AM A VERY GOOD COOK thank you very much....... TIM !!!!!! but yes that one will go down as one of those funny stories.

    Julia I'm not sure that I was any real help but like someone else said on here I will always be here for my friends, we are here for each other!!!

    Rooby with the old burnt Booby xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julia,

    Plenty of good people on your case then, including Roobs who can't be bettered in this field! Glad you now have your correct head back on and, as the dear Duchess of York might have said to Oprah, you are in your "right place".

    And how's the exercise going? Or shouldn't I ask...?

    Love & hugs,


  • FormerMember

    Hi guys

    Thanks for all the lovely comments. I am in a very good place and grateful for all you lovely warpy people!

    Twirly - exercise continues. Step this evening - yay! Roobs, you are a good friend indeed. Clare, how's the 'harvesting' - have you a date yet? Jan, woffle is good - great with butter on! And no, Odin, I'm not that important but it's nice to feel so sometimes... And Hils, Cruton and Tim, you are all stars and so supportive. You are all fab people.

    Have just thought of something random about boob surgery! It will stop that 'What is wrong with my computer' moment of the continually scrolling screen and you then realise that the boobs are leaning on the space bar! HA HA HA....


  • FormerMember

    Your post made me smile Julia :)

    It IS weird getting our heads round stuff, but you sound as though you have, which shows how fabulous you are! :))

    And I am laughing out loud about the boobs on the pace bar!!!!!!! :D

    Lots of love and cwtchs,

    Ems xxxxxxxxxxxx