who's in it ?

Less than one minute read time.

leave the sentiments and angry feelings aside . it's hard , i know , but it is necesary and in the war with this enemy , this 'bastard' , we take no prisoners . no mercy ! 

sounds like a 300's movie line ...  but its true. 

i am in it with all my body and soul , my  aliance is strong . 

my wife Rachel - she is the general in charge

my family and friends - my army 

laughing , runing , eating/drinking well , making love daily , good movies , going out in the nature - my weapons

i am the battlefield .

i am strong and i am gona defet you .

this is a plastic image of the real drama what is going on for millions of people . and at the end of it is just peace , no fear , the unknown might not be so frightning after all . they have like a book with the history of lifes of people and they have a diferent chapter for the chosen ones -thats us- and we are in it for a big surprise. and mabey they gona have some red wine ... never know .  
