The Start

1 minute read time.

I was diagnosed with cancer on the 30th June 2014.

Although they were not 100% sure where I had cancer they were pretty sure it was my tonsils or tongue.

On the 9th July I was admitted to the Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham for surgery to remove the large lump from my neck (lumpectomy) along with my tonsils and a biopsy from my tongue.

I have completely recovered from the tonsillectomy, but having a 18 inch scar from behind my ear to the underside of my chin and down my neck toward my shoulder, means that I am still recovering from the lumpectomy.

I still have difficulty eating although it is getting better daily.

I still have a lot of pain and numbness to my face head and ear, which I am told could be permanent.

As I write this (5th Aug 2014) i am sitting at home waiting to go into City hospital on the 7th to have a "feeding tube" inserted in my stomach.

The purpose of the feeding tube is that the doctor reckons once I start my Chemo and Radiotherapy on the 11th I will soon not be able to bite, chew or swallow and will even have difficulty drinking.

So this is going to be my daily blog from now until whenever.....

I don't expect many to read it, and I expect even less to comment, however it makes me feel better writing it all down. I wish I had started it weeks ago 

So here goes..... see you tomorrow 

  • FormerMember

    Good luck Jim. I hope all goes well. I enjoy reading a blog on here by a lady called Margaret who has been through a very similar treatment. If you look through the older blog posts you will find it. Hope all goes well for you. My husband has recently been diagnosed with lymphoma and I find that writing it all down is very helpful. Sarah

  • FormerMember

    Hello again Jim ... well I have already replied to your post and just wanted to let you know that we are here to help and offer support as you go through your treatments. I had extensive surgery for floor of mouth cancer and it included an ear-to-ear neck dissection ... over the years it has improved both in appearance and feel ( although my ear lobes do feel a tad numb-ish ) but it doesn't bother me at all.

    Please don't worry about having a PEG as it is for the best really ... you will need the nutrition to help your body heal and recover from the treatments. Take care and best wishes x

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jim.  I will be reading your journey.  Good luck on wherever that journey takes you.  You can be sure many will read your daily journal.  I am a Carer and find being a part of this on line community a great help.  Best Wishes. Ann

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jim.    I find writing my thoughts down to be very helpful.  You might be surprised at just how many people read these blogs.  I will be reading yours, and wishing you well with your journey.  Take care x

  • FormerMember
    Hi, just want to wish you good luck with your coming treatment. Don't be afraid, or worried about the peg, you will be amazed at how easily you become 'friends' with it. I have a friend who has one, he calls it his 'jump lead'! X