Great News

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Hi all. Went to the surgeon yesterday for my result from the gastroscopy. Every thing is fine and no signs of any ulcers. Am have a routine Ct scan in a month on the existing kidney just to be safe, otherwise everything is A1. Bad news is that after a year of not working, i am fit to resume duties at work.. Yuk. Am off to the Drs today to get my clearance. I am going to find it hard getting back in the swing of things as i am in the habit now of coming on this site first thing in the morning. I will still be around but not as much. I would like to thank all you guys for the support and love you gave me during my illness. Take care all and god bless you all. Jill D New Zealand. ps: I have not gone completely and will drop in from time to time.xxxx
  • FormerMember

    hi jill, and every one, i am new to the site, but i have found it to be like a safe haven were i can read other peoples stories and find a group of people who understand one another and who are very supportive to one another. i am not quite ready yet, but i was discussing with my boss last week about a phased return back to work when the time was right, I had my left kidney removed due to cancer in february 09. I am begining my 3rd month off sick post surgery. Ive had good and bad days, but i feel like i am rejoining the human race again and it helps to have this forum  to speak to new friends. I hope this message get through, wishing you all a good evening all. jan

  • FormerMember

    hi all, i am so sorry!!! i submitted my response via my mobile phone,  the page froze and i kept tapping the bar! to say this is my first time i feel embarressed, my sincerest apology. jan

  • FormerMember

    It's  super news Jill, another one of us going back in to the "real world". Please do remember to drop in on us who are not quite their yet and let us know how you are keeping.

