too many emotions today!!!

1 minute read time.

Have had to kick myself up the backside today big time !!!! met a neighbour who asked me how i was she knew i had been in hospital 5 weeks ago found myself telling her i had cancer and she got so upset which upset me we were in costcutters at the time wedged in between the freezers and the toilet rolls!!!however i found myself reassuring her that no way was i going to let this alien invade my life for long how dare it and thats the attitude im taking have got so much to do in my life so MR C you can take a hike !!!! know the road ahead is going to be so tough but i can do it !!!!....have had 5 kids and brought them up alone so without swearing (which im finding very difficult right now) times have been hard before so im no stranger to this next hurdle bring it on!!!!! chemo next not relishing that will find out Monday whether im having it before Xmas or waiting till january so will let everyone know sorry guys you will be fed up with my blogs no doubt so happy i found this site love to everyone xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi, isn't it strange how we, (people with cancer) seem to have to comfort everyone around us, lol, Jennifer, you seem strong to me, you have already been through a lot, as the saying goes on here......

    Welcome to the club no one wants to join.... But you'll be glad you did..... No go kick some cancer butt!

    Good luck with all your treatments....


    Liz xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jennifer,

    You sure have had a tough life. But now it gets just that little bit tougher. But going by your blog I dont see you having much of a problem kicking Ass.

    Good luck on Monday hope you have Christmas off.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks liz ,

    oh i so will kick it into touch how dare it invade my life the only thing im so worried about is my hair mind you if it grows back thicker will be a bonus and i can always have a laugh trying on all those wigs with my daughter all the latest styles my own hair would never go right in,,,might end up lookin like lily savage but who the devil cares lol !!!

    Thanks liz so happy youre here xxxx

  • Im the same when people talk to me and yes I end up telling them not to worry.

    That is why I started a blog and wrote my book as well it so helps to  get your thoughts down and in order.

    Cheer up we have our bad days and our good days and Im always got an excited feeling even though Im terminal because I love every bit of life  it is wonderful and i want to cling on to it xxxxx

  • Oh Jennifer, I do know how you feel! One neighbour (a registered nurse) met me in a supermarket and, having heard of my diagnosis, asked me,"how long have you got to live?". I don't know how I didn't slap her there and then!

    You fight the b****** and know we here in Macland are behind you!
