painted face!!!

2 minute read time.

waiting for my mid chemo scan results tomorrow at 2.30......... funny how you always remember the exact time you have to be there when normally i cant usually remember and have to look it up but tomorrow is so important it  is to tell me if the chemo has done what its supposed to have done and im literally crapping myself.....for want of a better word sorry guys but thats how im feeling

im feeling sorry for myself today damn this feeling but i could burst into tears at the drop of a hat and its not like me !!! i guess its my own fault really i put on this brave painted face and im alright jack attitude to everyone in here because i dont want them to worry about me but its back firing big time because they dont realise how unwell im really feeling

 is it wrong to try and save them from reality or should i just tell them how ill i really do feel when i so dont want them to have to !!! they arent kids youngest is 16 but i want them to be normal and act normal and have a normal life i dont want people to look at them and think poor souls their mum has cancer and put them into a category when i know i have lost many FRIENDS because of this bloody cancer id be as well having bloody leprosy or is cancer just the 20th century name for leprosy!!!

since i have been diagnosed with it seems that im one to be avoided as everyone makes sure they dont tx come round and even avoid talking to me in shops or the street and makes it so blatantly obvious........oh well i feel like screaming "i havent changed im still the same person and you cant catch it off me just by talking to me" so for now i will try and just get on with my life ripped apart with this awful thing thats ended up on our doorstep and wait for my results tomorrow

my 4th chemo on wednesday and im dreading that as well cos no3 was awful side effects wise....... but i will go there and get it over with and plod on and spray my face on every morning i get up which will say "hey everyone im fine "but only you know im not ,,,,,,,my friends on here who have been on the same journey and walked the same path ......thank you because i know you understand this blog more than any a fighter and i wont let this beat me just a moment of weakness.......take care everyone love and hugs jen xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Jen if they are not there for you they aint your friends simple a sthat really.

    Totally understand how you feel and where yu are coming from being a single mum i suppose i give of the air of independence and coping to the max but yes sometimes you just want some one to scoop you up and say its all goona be ok.




  • FormerMember

    Morning Jen, just read this latest by you.  I know as mums we are the mountain of strength for our family but you really could give thema special gift by letting them know you need a hug,  you need their support ad you really do feel vulnerable right now.  Your children will so want to feel important by nurturing you for once.  When you get Weds chemo done, go home, put on your fluffiest pjs and dressing gown and do whatever you want.  If you have to leave a card out saying you need some of the kids medicine right now - that could be just them being quiet, picking up after them, making you a cup of tea or giving you a big fat hug.  Cancer can also give us gifts - like sharing and realising your bonds with your loved ones.  Don't worry about the so called friends turning their back on you - its because they don't know how to react so as they are embarrassed for themselves as they feel  useless, let them get on with it.  But you must address your family and your needs.  You might just be surprised at how your children respond to your vulnerability - help  them feel they are important right now too and your cancer should not be a lonely illness to deal with.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    thanks everyone for your support ive wakened up from a terrible night coughing sick etc but i dont feel too bad believe it or not guess ive picked up a virus or something but the sun is shining and ive done the h/wrk seen my son off to school and as he went out said good luck mum made my day really still in tears though writing this god where do they all come from thought i wasnt going to do this but im off again havent cried so much all of my life always the hard faced strong single mum battling for my kids and myself and now im a wailing mess not in front of the kids though....... yes i need a big fat cuddle but will need to do without for now ......right wipe your face girl and get on with getting ready make up on and off we go for my results wish me luck guys

    take care everyone

    love and hugs jen xxxx

  • FormerMember


    Good luck for today. Will you settle for a big fat cyber cuddle from a friend maybe ?  bet all your other mates on Mac send theirs too !!

    Love aqnd Hugs

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen, "tears of a clown" we've all done it, and everyone has different views on it, I try to protect the ones I love from as much pain as possible, but they all still know when I'm anxious, etc..... Why? Cos they love me and go through it with me, the friends you have lost, aren't really friends at all, so you really havent lost anyone, because the people who really love and care for you are still around, it's hard for those around us, sometimes I really do think it CAN be worse, they feel so useless, I often find myself consoling some one when it should be the other way around.....

    Also, there isn't one person on this site who doesn't feel like you when waiting for results, if they say otherwise then I think they tell porky pies lol..... I'm quite a strong person, and hide my fears quite well (so I thought) but my sisters informed me I get grumpy, tetchy, and subconsciously rub my ribs as I get near my three monthly scan, (who me???)

    I hope it's all good for you..... Chemo, really is your friend, and can possibly save your life

    LIZ xxxxxxx