chemo finished for now!!!

2 minute read time.

hi everyone

 just had my last chemo today met some lovely positive people in my room so now have to wait for the scan on the 6th june to find out if its reducing the little beggars asked the onc what happens next .......just because you so need to know but dont really want to know at the same time .......he wasnt very forthcoming cos i knew exactly what he was going to say if its reduced then we dont need to see you for 6 to 8 weeks if not back to the drawing board more chemo rt .....ah such is life so im not going to think about the what ifs till after the scan then i will be a nervous wreck till i walk through his door yet again but you know i have no place for cancer in my life havent got time for all this!!!

 i dont particularly like my oncologist he has no sense of humour whatsoever im sure he thinks im totally crazy when i asked him if the bed i was lying on was for people under 5 ft cos i couldnt even straighten my legs he looked at me with a look of dispair and said yes i think so and didnt even break a smile then proceeded to give me a prescription for anti acid tabs which on reading the side effects stated liver problems white cell and red cell reductions diahhrreah sickness yellowing of the skin tone shall i go on????

 i have liver cancer and im on chemo have already got sickness could possibly turn yellow over night of my own accord without the tabs heart palpitations shall i go on so guess mr oncologist person i threw them in the bin as i so dont need any more side effects than i already have!!!.......... dont you people ever read anything on the computer whatsoever ???!!!!

 so guys roll on the scan will try to see dr slater next time as she is wonderful if not i will appear with a placard stating i do not want to see some registrar onc i want to see the top woman and i wll stage a sit in tll i do from now on no monkey for me from now on the organ grinder or nothing and as for the little demon cells in my liver they can go take the biggest hike ever !!! aint got time for you in my life!!!!

to everyone out there in macland stay strong thanks for all your support love and hugs jen xxxxx 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen, well done you for getting through the chemo, you know I will keep everything crossed for you that you get good results from your scan! As everyone else has already said you are amazing, brave, funny and I'm guessing on occasion a little scary still you need all those qualities to get through this. Take care, Lots of love, Pauline xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen ,So pleased that you have finished your chemo,and all the best with your scan results.Hope you get to see the doctor you want to,good luck with that one !! Take care,Best wishes  Sue  xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jen, just got on here and saw your blog - congratulations on reaching your (hopefully) last chemo.  I get where you're coming from with the onco - we're going through enough turmoil as it is without sour faces around us.  We have to laugh otherwise we'd cry rivers.  Keep well Jen, Sat. looks like a good day to do something nice so treat yourself girl.  Am thinking of you and sending good thoughts.  Love Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Now have a rest from all that treatment. You deserve it.

    I too hope that your scan will be positive.

    Take care Jen Love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    hi guys

    thanks fo all your comments see thats what keeps me going all of you even though im sure im a bit of a nutter anyways and yes i can be quite scary when i want to be its the scottish attitude i guess a taxi driver in london once told me i never argue with you scots they seem so aggresive aw bless him its the accent i think more than anything anyways i aint scary really just dont like idiots in my life and this onc has no sense of humour its like waiting for God in there when ya go into see him well matey i aint thinking of that right now or ever so he can piddle right off the silly b.....d loooool love and hugs to everyone this nutter is off to try and take the chemo tabs all eight of them once again so i will be gagging for britain over the sink looooooooool love and hugs jen xxxxx