Time between chemo and surgery?

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Hi, does anyone know how long after chemo surgery can happen? I really need to know as I am working all through the chemo but when it finishes I am due a scan and then bowel surgery. I am trying to organise not only my work but maybe a little holiday and my life generally. Any info gratefully received. Thanks Jen X
  • FormerMember

    ask your onc.  i thought i had 6 weeks between chemo and surgery but was called in for surgery after a couple of weeks which is nice to get it all over with then you can relax for the holiday.  Good luck and good healing xx

  • FormerMember

    I had a colonoscopy booked and a CT scan and my surgeon's appointment was booked.  I knew I would have time between CT scan and surgeon's appointment to get up to a week away, even before I had a date for the OP.  

    Lots of places that are open during the winter (before April) will be glad to fit you in as long as it isn't Easter week.  Give it a whirl and enjoy.  I really did enjoy mine.  Then after the op, and after the Oncology appointment, I had another 3 days in  my sister's granny suite, while I was able to think about whether or not to have chemo.  

    I think that I get more rest from a long weekend than a week away, but a fortnight is better.  It is all based on how you relax, and how long it takes you to tense up again.  So if you can't fit in a fortnight, try a long weekend, midweek if you prefer it.  

    Good luck with your clinical appointments.


  • FormerMember


    I've just finished chemo myself.  Well when I say that there are 4 more day sessions to do after my op.  I'm due for a cystectomy.

    The surgeon I spoke to told me that he would suggest a minimum period of 3 weeks before my surgery but that it really depended upon my health and blood results coming back to a more normal level beforehand.  

    I think it really depends on so many things that its kind of difficult to be specific but the doctor/oncologist should be able to give you better guidance based upon their knowledge of your condition and circumstances.

    In my case I have a surgery date of 14th March (4 and a bit weeks after last chemo).

    Good luck to you anyway!

    Cheers,  Mike

  • FormerMember

    thank you all for your comments. I should really ring the oncologist. I never see him , am I supposed to?I just saw him once, he doesn't work at the hos where I have my chemo.

    I think 3 weeks sounds OK to me but I will try to find out.Good luck to all.

    Thanks again

    Love Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    HI! BE STRONG!!! AND HAVE FAITH.... THATS WHAT IM DOING..... i have had 2 OPS already within a year. the 1st 1 was total hysterectomy (due to ovarian cancer) last April 2008 and the latest left upper lobectomy last 5th of MArch 2009. take note the latest surgery i have was done in UAE, which not my country, away from my family.... but all I have to do is to be strong! i dont wanna think i am sick.... im planning to go back for work by next week.

    just remember physical pain will always be healed and the best medicine is for you to be strong! be positive!

    hugs and kisses...
