Feeling sad- what to do?

1 minute read time.

My chemo failed again, I've had 4 different drugs and no shrinkage to my lung mets. I had v successful surgery on my liver and bowel 18 months ago but the lung mets are increasing. My oncologist has said- v nicely- that I shouldn't bother with any more drugs and should try to enjoy my life. That's a tall order with this hanging over me but I am trying. I just can't get my head around the fact that I won't be here. I am 63 but young at heart and have not had any illness , even having chemo for 15 months has bounced off me. I've just retired and I wanted to enjoy some time with my very loving and supportive husband and this is what is really making me sad. He will have to be on his own - we are soulmates and best friends- and I won't be able to look after him when he is old. It is just not fair but I really don't know how to be, it seems unbearable sometimes.

I know there are people who are less fortunate than I am, some of the young people on this site or those with young children are so brave but I just can't do it right now.

Love to all who are struggling with this terrible disease.

Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    Oh Jen I am so very sorry to hear that. (((( HUGS))))

    Can you not ask for a second opinion surely there is something they can do.  The rest was successful.

    I know what you mean about having to leave your loved one. Mine was the other way round I lost my husband! It is so very sad.

    I had bowel cancer and am now considered NED but it is still scary.

    Others might appear worse off than you but how worse can it get?

    We are all entitled to live our lives out to an expected old age.

    I know you are just being positive and it is wonderful of you to think of others before yourself.

    I really am lost for words and feel so sad for you!

    Take care Love Julie X  

  • FormerMember

    I wish I could say something to help and just magic it all away from you.  I am in a similar position, just been told about to start chemo but not much hope of it helping.  I am 47 on my own with a son who has special needs,it seems unfair.  I know itg sounds trite but I am just getting through it by taking one day at a time sometimes just one minute at a time and enjoying speding time with loved ones.  If I can  help in any way please dont hesitate to get in contact.  Marionx

  • FormerMember

    Hi ya Marion,

    Its not very easy when you have to deal with Cancer and a son with special needs. It takes a special Mum who has to cope with things like this.

    I send you both my strength support and Love.

    Ask for a second opinion, you just never know.

    Sorry I couldnt have been more help.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    What can I say . There's me feeling so sorry for myself .I've had 10 operations so far on my ear which  have paralised half  my face and ruined my ballance .You poor people have put me to shame I can only wish you all the best and God bless


  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry to read this. You are incredibly brave and are perfectly entitled to feel low.

    My dad is 64 and ia terminally ill with a stage iv brain tumour. He has been given 3-6 months at best. Like you, he and my mum were looking forward to a long and happy retirement. He does his best to live a "normal" (ridiculous choice of word) life but has understandable moments of devastation and even feeling suicidal.

    This disease is just so bloody unfair.

    My heart goes out to you. Thinking of you and your family.