Does stop mean stop.........or just carry on?

1 minute read time.

Hi All,

Don't often blog as I am miserable most of the time- just really hate the treatment but today I am feeling very cross. I went having decided to give up on the portacath which is excruciatingly painful and doesn't do blood anyway and to have a cannula in my arm. That was OK but they couldn't get any blood. They do the blood test before chemo and I wait about 20mins for the OK to do chemo. The nurse said she would bring another nurse who I just don't like, I said please try again but the other nurse came and had a go. She was doing something I really don't like and which makes me feel very sick (that tapping on the vein thing) so I asked her to stop as I know only one vein works anyway. she didn't stop so I asked again, she said no, I have to do it, my husband asked her to stop and she still didn't. I was upset then and shouted "Get off me". Then she said I can't treat you and walked out of my room.The other nurse didn't know what to do so I asked for the ward manager to come and I was left waiting for 25mins. I rang my consultant and he rang the chemo unit and then a doc came and redid the cannula (in my one vein) and it got done. The ward manager listened and sympathised but I did emphasise that I was complaining about the nurses attitude.

What a palaver you might think but I am a known hospital phobic and usually my treatment is done with kid gloves so I am used to getting my own way if you want to look at it like that but I just feel it is treatment which is appropriate to my needs. Today was a nightmare and has not helped my phobia.

My question is does stop mean stop? Or can they just do what they want?

Sorry to rant and thanks for reading.

Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    I am a registered nurse and Stop definitely means Stop. If the nurse/dr carries on then it is a form of abuse.

    No-one wants to go as far as accusing a person of abusing them but you did the right thing in complaining.

    The nurse should have stopped and discussed the procedure that she was doing.

    Tapping the vein can help to raise it to the surface but if it causes you anxiety then it should be written in your notes not to do it.

    I had a Hickman line which I found ok except in the beginning it wouldn't give up blood. Sometimes when they are put in they can lay against the wall of the vein and this can stop it from giving up blood.

    A Hickman line is put in in theatre under sterile conditions. A local is given.

    Eventually it was fine.

    I am sorry that you had a bad experience. I hope that the rest of your treatment go's without a hitch.

    Take Care Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen,

    There you go straight from the Nurses mouth. She does know what shes talking about.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember


    I had a PICC line put in my arm, had a happy pill the morning it was put in and then they used some magic cream - it meant only one unpleasant 'prick' not lots of them - much better for me.

  • FormerMember

    I  do have a port but find it too painful to use. It has never given any blood. I have the cream but still end up having lignocaine to numb it.I had to have 4 once so that made six needles that day- not good. As they have to use my arm for blood I feel they might as well use it for the drug but even that didn't work well this time.

    Thanks for all of your replies, it feels better to get it out and my new hat has just arrived so a better day today.

    Take care all. Jen XX