Chemo failed again.

1 minute read time.

Just had a call from my oncologist to say that the chemo has done nothing. I had tumours removed from bowel and liver 18 months ago but had some spread to my lungs. I had chemo before and after surgery which shrunk nothing, a further 3 months of a different drug which resulted in growth, a further 3 months which made me lose my hair but no shrinkage. I will go to see him on Thursday but he says it looks as if we should just monitor it. There may be options but he says after 4 drugs failing we need to think if it is worth it. I find the hospital treatment very difficult as I am phobic about hospitals. They have made special efforts to accomodate me but I still have big problems with it.

I have not had a day's illness since my diagnosis 2 year's ago, not even a cold and I worked through a lot of the chemo. I have just decorated the living room and hall and I don't feel or look ill at all. I haven't even lost an ounce of weight even after 28 doses of chemo.

I just can't take it in that this disease will kill me, it may be later rather than sooner but I want another 20 years not 2. I am 63.

Thanks for reading, and best wishes and better results to anybody who is waiting for results.

Love Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen,

    I cannot believe the oncologist called you to tell you this news. Feel it is something he should have done face to face.  How did he know how you would react!  

    Hope you have someone with you - if not drop into chat to find some support and hugs.

    Jan x

  • FormerMember

    oh what a nightmare you are going throu.  It must be so hard and I bet you have no faith in them at all.  Have they said why its not worked ?? It is a strong drug and I have never heard of it not working before.  I am so sorry you going through so much and wish you a speedy solution xxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Jen

    Thank you for keeping us posted. We are all here for you. I hope your Oncologist has other options to offer you at your appointment on Thursday. Please let us know.

    Sending you Love and Big Hugs,

    Maureen xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen,

    I agree with Jan. Your oncologist should have made an appointment for you and him to have a chat, not

    over the phone.

    All the best and Good luck on Thursday.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks everybody, I asked the Dr to ring me this morning. I had the scan on Friday and can't bear to wait. He doesn't like doing it on the phone but makes an exception for me as he knows me well.I have an appointment on Thursday.As i said 4 different drugs have now failed so it was no surprise. I have heard of chemo failures before including irinotecan but it is one that works well when it does work. No one knows why the drugs don't work.

    I am not on my own here but I am OK anyway as It was no shock. It would have been more of a shock if it had worked!!

    Love Jen xx