What to eat and when

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Hi everyone was wondering if anyone who has undergone chemo and RT on the neck and throat for 6 weeks what is the best way forward in the first couple of weeks regarding diet and what to eat ..have no idea what exactly to expect in the first couple of weeks but know eating wont be for pleasure after that or even before ..

Hope you can help ..i am so scared

love Jan x

  • FormerMember

    Jan get some Manuka honey swill arounf mouth three times a day if you get sore mouth, its supposed to be marvelous. I will try it and if it works let you know! juice green veg and wheatgrass too if you can.

    I think most of all just eat what you want when you can and try little and often. The ensure drinks are pretty good. I had a lot of custards and carnation added to milkshakes too. think goodness and calories.

    I think it will not be as bad as you think hun and if it is its doable!

    I can eat a lot of stuff now with this mouth thing and i couldnt taste for a few months. i could taste strong herbs which i will try again if i lose taste buds!

    Lets look at the brightside and at the end of the road when we can eat again!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan

    I eat loads of soup, and mashed potatoe,mouses, omletts, and eat at least four times a day Itry to eat 30min after pain killers and this seems to help for me the mucas was worst when I increased the milk as had been suggested and drinking flat coke was a help in getting enough fluids .It may be a case of trial and error strong tasting food can help my hospital gave me a leaflet on taste as it can go several ways sweat salt metalic ect mine was metalic . Hope this helps


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan,

    Ive been there,and done it it will be no surprise to you that the dietician. Will have it all worked out for you. What to take when to take it and how many times to take it. Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jan. I have also heard about the Manuka honey - although I didn't try it as I don't like honey. As Jayne said, eat what you can little and often to get the nutrition and calories inside you. Ensure drinks are excellent as a top-up or total meal replacement - the milkshake type ones are quite nice with lots of different flavours. As Sandra also commented, it can be a bit of trial and error as the treatment goes on. I found that tomato soup, bananas or anything remotely spicy became a no-no as they did sting. The best thing is to have a chat with the dietician as they will have leaflets and so forth. Main thing is - don't be scared as they won't let you starve and you will get there. Take care, sweetheart. Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan,

            As others have said, the dietician will have information as they will want you to eat and keep your strength up! When I am on chemo, I find that pineapple juice cuts through the metallic taste,although I don't know if that is a bit too acidic with the RT. Ice cream was also good.

             You may not think so but it will be a relief to actually start the treatment as the waiting plays havoc with the imagination.

               I am thinking of you and sending very best wishes for Monday. Deep breath sweetheart and think of it as the first steps of a journey that will lead to a happy life with Ken.

               Love and hugs as always,

                        lizzie xx