What to eat and when

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Hi everyone was wondering if anyone who has undergone chemo and RT on the neck and throat for 6 weeks what is the best way forward in the first couple of weeks regarding diet and what to eat ..have no idea what exactly to expect in the first couple of weeks but know eating wont be for pleasure after that or even before ..

Hope you can help ..i am so scared

love Jan x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you to everyone for all the great advice I am not a big honey lover but thanks Jayne for the tip .

    Lizzie thank you i havew written all my 34 treatments on my white board and i am going to cross each off as it happens ..My friend Brian left today to work for a week or so ..will miss him to chat to or should i say he wont miss me crying all the time lol will also miss Holly his dog who slept by my side each night watching over me the house will seem much more lonley now they have gone but on a brighter note he will be coming back a week on wed/thurs to help me through the worst part of my RT

    Joyce thank you for all your support during my darkest days which have been many ...i have a fridge full of ensure drinks was actually taking them after my chemo when everything tasted so awful my daughter managed to get them for me as she is a nurse but will get them also from the dietician i guess in hospital feel they will be my staple diet and to be honest i dont care as long as it does the job ..

    Thank you Sarsfield ..she did call me at home that was when i was supposed to be going in on the 19th and was going to come and see me but i hope she comes tomorrow when i am in overnight .

    Hi Sandra

    I have a feeling that it will be the metalic taste i get which is a bummer lol as its so off putting to everything like i said to Joyce i ended up taking the ensure drinks when going through that last cycle of chemo as i was so off my food ...

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jan. Glad to know that you have got the Ensures in the fridge - keep taking them, I still have one a day to help healing. Yes, do get them on prescription as they are free for cancer patients - oh, they are free anyway in Scotland ? - I was also given something to boost the calories, a small 'shot' of Pro-cal, I think. Don't worry about your taste buds going funny - mine did - but everything tastes fine again now. The main thing is to just get started and count down to the end of chemo / RT - you can do it, sweetheart ! Take care and God Bless. Love, Joycee xx