Talk with consultant and RT consultant update

2 minute read time.

Went today to the Beatson for all the picture taking wearing mask and being marked again before my RT starts have to go on the 18th for pre-verifacation scan and was to have started chemo and RT on the 19th ..but for some reason my net appointment after that was not until the 23rd ..which did not go down well with the consultants as the want it started and kept going its been put back to the 23rd when i will have my overnight chemo plus my RT day either side then home ....not sure how i feel to be honest I do want it to start but having a couple of extra days to get over this chemo cycle is good .

Afterward my daughter Alison and friend Brian and I had a talk with the consultant and RT consultant about exactly what was about to happen to me ...

Firstly I was told not to look at food as something nice to eat it had now to become medicine and it was important no matter what taste or no taste i had to eat ...scary ...

I was told that any side effects would start about 2 /3 weeks into treatment but everyone is different and that some people dont get any until the very last week .

Again as we all know painkillers and to tell them everything thats wrong so they can try fix it ....they said not to use any bought over the counter mouthwashes but they would supply me with one they wanted me to use plus to use bicarbonate of soda and cooled boiled water as a mouth wash ...

they were blunt and said the treatment is agressive toward the cancer and would be tough   but will try and take each day and that days problems as they /if they come ...Brian my friend has to go home the night before my treatment starts but will only be gone over a week and plans to come back ..they also said that i would end up being a pain to live with and would get angry and in turn i would become a pain to them ..I pray for the courage to endure whatever comes my way in my battle and that in the end I am victorious .

On a lighter note I got my wig today ..had three to choose from and hope i made the right choice lol every time i comb it on my head it slides off lol

Anyway mouth is getting better from the chemo so starting to eat a little better .

ok betetr go take my antibiotics .....and remember my food is my medicine

Love Jan x

  • FormerMember

    Yeah Jackie ..good idea it might come to that lol

    Thanks for the good wishes ..Hope you are well

    love and hugs

    Jan x

  • FormerMember

    They were very honest with me about teh treatment in saying that they also said its been known that people dont even get any side effects until treatment is almost over ..i gues its like the risks on any perscription packet and you just take a chance and hope you dont get them all ...

    The sad thing is that i wont even be able to wear my lipstick ..she said i could get away with eye makeup but i will miss that lipstick lol

    I already have my bicarbonate of soda mouth wash made up to do my mouth tonight advised by the team

    Hope you are well Joyce

    God Bless

    Love Jan x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Alison ..just going to try and take one day at a time and try and deal with each problem as it arise ..which i hope are not too many

    God Bless

    Love and hugs

    Jan x

  • FormerMember

    hi hun

    well at least you know the plan now girl and i will be here to kick you up the old backside as usual you will get through this we are all fighters and the sooner the treatment starts the better thats what i say and get it out the way take care hun thinking of you as always loads of love and hugs jen xxxx FREEDOM!!!!!

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jan, I just wanted to wish you the very best of luck, strength and love for your journey ahead and look forward to congratulating you when you become victorious.  Ann x