1 minute read time.

On Monday I start an overnight chemo cisplatin plus my RT begins that day also I will come on on Tuesday to an empty house and dreading the whole thing new husband is canadian and is filling in the paper work to try and get here as soon as he can ..after my last chemo cycle our friend Brian came to stay and has been amazing but he has to leave on Sunday the day before i go into hospital to work for just over a week and he will be back ..but I have been in floods of tears firstly the chemo and RT together scares me even though i have came through 2 / 5day 24hour cycles of three different chemo drugs somehow this whole hospital process freaks me out this time on Tuesday i will come back to an empty home and as i panic about just everything i am so frightened that i will go to pieces as i tend to let my imagination get away from itself and has a life of its own . my daughter is an angel and does all she can to help me but with a nurses full time job and two young kids aged 2 and 3 its hard for her to be there every moment for me but i do appreciate every moment of time she gives me ...I long for the day my husband can be here i feel thats a lot to do with my feelings ....Has anyone came through or are going through the same type of treatment as I am to give me some headsup on what to expect ..and is anyone in the same situation of living alone .I would really appreciate your comments and feed back.

Love Jan  God Bless

  • FormerMember

    I do feel for you. As a single man who lives alone, I know how difficult it can be to go through these things on your own. I am an independent b*gg*r and always say "I'll be alright" but sometimes you can't help thinking it would be nice to have someone there to moan to or whatever.

    Hang in there and look to the future when your husband is with you, it will happen.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan, I had combination treatment too and for me there was no real difference with the added RT until 2 weeks into my treatment.

    I stayed in the Hospital for my treatment so I can only imagine how scared you must feel about returning to an empty house,(hugs) I would be feeling very anxious also Jan.

    My own experience of the first 2 weeks was having waves of feeling very tired although I was able to carry on regardless,resting when I needed to.

    I hope that you will be able to cope until your friend gets back and I'm sure that your daughter will want to call in to visit or keep in contact via the phone,eh!

    Remember that you have your Macfriends to help you through too!

    Wishing you all the best Jan,big hugs. Alison.x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Mike ..I was always on my own and used to it always nice to have some company especially when your ill i feel a bit lost here on my own now .

    Love Jan

  • FormerMember

    hi my dear friend now then whats all this !!! you know we all get scared but you are a strong person remeber when you brought up the family made serious decisions stuck up for yourself that person is still there you know you have done the chemo over 5 days now this one cisplatin is a walk in the park girl we all do the outpatient day chemo i do mine every 3 weeks takes about 3hours and im done the waiting for the chemo to turn up takes the longest from the pharmacy and you have the rt to start too find out from everyone on here about the rt and what to expect know it usually doesnt take that long from what ive read from everyone on here i could be wrong but suss it out babe dont lose that lovely strength think of how proud everyone is of you the love you have winging its way from friends and family and all of us at macland you can do it so no panicking or when i come up to alloa next wekend you better be ready for a big knock on yer door with my size 6 take cae hun you know this isnt you its a walk in the park and curing the buggar loads of love and hugs jen xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen,

    Well said, You have Jan off to a tee. When you meet Jan in Alloa next weekend give her a big hug from me. Thanks Pal.

    Jen Get the kettle on and some shortbread for your mate Jen.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx