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On Monday I start an overnight chemo cisplatin plus my RT begins that day also I will come on on Tuesday to an empty house and dreading the whole thing new husband is canadian and is filling in the paper work to try and get here as soon as he can ..after my last chemo cycle our friend Brian came to stay and has been amazing but he has to leave on Sunday the day before i go into hospital to work for just over a week and he will be back ..but I have been in floods of tears firstly the chemo and RT together scares me even though i have came through 2 / 5day 24hour cycles of three different chemo drugs somehow this whole hospital process freaks me out this time on Tuesday i will come back to an empty home and as i panic about just everything i am so frightened that i will go to pieces as i tend to let my imagination get away from itself and has a life of its own . my daughter is an angel and does all she can to help me but with a nurses full time job and two young kids aged 2 and 3 its hard for her to be there every moment for me but i do appreciate every moment of time she gives me ...I long for the day my husband can be here i feel thats a lot to do with my feelings ....Has anyone came through or are going through the same type of treatment as I am to give me some headsup on what to expect ..and is anyone in the same situation of living alone .I would really appreciate your comments and feed back.

Love Jan  God Bless

  • FormerMember

    sarsfield im the one in alloa hun i have to find my way to her lol but im so going to try and will have the size six ready for her wont stand for self pity mate we aint got time for all that she will be glad when im gone lol (not really im only joking babe ) youre such a lovely person im so proud and lucky to have you and everyone else on here as my friend take care hun love and hugs jen xxxx