Kylie, Ketchup and......well normality really.

2 minute read time.

Now I know I promised I'd keep this up to date, in fact I believe I said originally that I'd post everyday but honestly, since my op was cancelled the other day naff all has happened.  Well that is basically a lie, but nearly everything I've done since Thursday has revolved around football (somebody give Little My a shake....she falls instantly asleep when I use that word) and this really isn't the forum for me to extol the virtures of 4-1-4-1 over 4-3-3 for the Hungerford game, or to let everyone know how bad last nights referee was (even though we won), so I won't mention any of that......he was bad though...........extraordinarily so.........probably the worst ever.

I have had news of a revised date for my neck slicing, in fact it isn't really news it's more like a rumour.  A friend of a friend, was told that a doctor that isn't my consultant, had heard that I'm definitely booked in for next Wednesday.  I'm sure that a carrier pidgeon will land on my window sill soon confirming this but I wish it'd hurry up, 'cos it's not that warm at the moment and having to leave the window open just isn't helping. So we'll see.

Anyway whilst I'm on the theme of technology (pidgeons are technology around here) I would like to pick up on something Little My mentioned in her blog earlier today - CT scans. 

A few facts:

Being randomly shot in and out of a donut is not the most dignified experience ever.

People sticking needles in you before running out of the room and hiding is somewhat unnerving. 

Having stuff put in you that makes you feel as though you've wet yourself isn't particularly pleasant. 

Cartoon faces and green countdown numbers are a tad condescending and more than a little annoying. 

But, and this is a really big BUT, I find the whole experience is made a great deal worse because the voice telling me to Breathe in........hold.......breathe out, is bloody American!!  Surely in this day and age we could have a good old Stay Calm and Carry On British Voice - I for one would feel so much more secure and safer. 

Even better how about we get a choice of voices like you do with a satnav.  Billy Connelly telling me to 'bloody well breathe out' would cheer my day up.  The Queen instructing me 'One should now hold one's breath' would be fantastic and Kylie moaning and groaning...oh no that's a different thing altogether, sorry about that.   Moving swiftly on........

So that's it for tonight, short and sweet I'm afraid. I could go on about how naughty I was at lunchtime.  I made myself a bacon, mushroom and egg toastie and it was nice, nay, bloody nice.  Made all the nicer because I lathered it all with ketchup. God, I even had a couple of chocolate biscuits afterwards. But I won't.

I could go on about how nice it was this evening to take the dogs out with my Daughter and the walk we had across the newly harvested fields, filled with wonderful views across our valley and how we could see Salisbury Cathedral's spire 8 miles away from the top of the hill.  But I won't.

Normality?  Hell yes.  The more normal the better please.  Sorry cancer but I'm not changing to suit you, you can fit in around me - understood?  Well done.

Now I really am going. Apparently I have to find a ballgown for Wednesday.  Well Mister Doctor, it's like this.  A person called Little My said.........

Stay Positive - Have Fun.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Steve

    I agree, why is it an American bloody voice???

    Your lunch sounded great, coming to you for lunch in future I think.

    As for your walk in the fields with your Daughter and the dogs............bliss.

    Hope your carrier pidgeon turns up soon mate.

    Good luck

    Shaz (((XX)))

  • FormerMember

    I'll take your normality over cancer any day!  Your blog cheered me up when I would otherwise be down - so thank-you.  I can even forgive you mentioning the F word (you know the one I mean).

    Lunch sounded interesting, though I would probably have eased up on the ketchup.  Unfortunately, at the moment, even the thought of food is making me a bit queasy - so now trying to type with one hand over my mouth!

    The thing that really made my reading of this, was the walk with your daughter, the dogs and the wonderful view.  Almost felt like I was there.

    Good luck with finding a ball gown - I'll be hoping the carrier pigeon turns up to confirm soon...

    Love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Steve, your blog really cheered me up this morning.

    So glad you are being so positive and can see the brighter side of things.

    Hope you have a lovely day and that carrier pigeon arrives pronto, although I do hope it doesn't do any of it doo daa's all over your lovely clean envelope!

    Take care, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    zzzzzz Oh morning Steve, so glad you didn't mention football this time... so kind of you....

    If I'd known you were round my place (blog) I'd have left you a pint out- especially as you seem to have a habit of kicking them over...seems Captain Christine got it though, bad luck. THat'll teach you to be a bloke and not say anything ha ha ;o)

    Now, you in a dressing gown was one thing... you in a ballgown is something else... and that really was a hot flush I know! Will you still wear your sandals with it?

    Anyway, thanks for the giggle.....nice way to start the day....

    I think my voice was British... though can't remember now and for the afrementioned reasons,I'm not in a great hurry to go back and check... I have a problem not sniggering through the whole thing anyway, so though i like the idea of John Cleese or someone barking orders at me, I think that would make my scan even wobblier than it is with the puffy faces.... I never had them on the other scanner.. just a green light. Maybe they think we are all stupid or something.

    I'm coming round for lunch with Shaz! Yum!

    And glad you are enjoying the walks and life and living and remember to slip those sandals off sometimes and feel the grass between your toes...

    Big hug handsome and hope that pigeon pops in soon

    Little My x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Steve, think you were really silly to let Little My know you are almost michelin star chef, catering job on the way with the second pigeon, that will put paid to the footie xx