"Its Oesophageal Cancer"

  • The Beer's Off


    Bless him, he is determined to be normal but the beer made him feel rough so its J2O for now. Peter refuses to read any literature or listen to any information he says he will just follow orders. He is very tired and sleeps a lot, he has never been a morning person and I am up at sparrows cough, so now I am extra careful not to crowd him til lunch time or he gets snappy, and the last thing I want is for us to bicker…

  • My husband has oesophageal cancer


    My Husband Peter of 38 years has oesphageal cancer. he is 67 we both retired in
    August 2012 and planned to enjoy life free of work at last, doing the things we
    had dreamed of.

    We have two lovely daughters both happy in their relationships and homes, and
    3 gorgeous grandchildren


    July 2012 Peter retired, I retired in Augus,t and we had BIG plans for fun and sun

    16.10.2012 My Sister…