The Beer's Off

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Bless him, he is determined to be normal but the beer made him feel rough so its J2O for now. Peter refuses to read any literature or listen to any information he says he will just follow orders. He is very tired and sleeps a lot, he has never been a morning person and I am up at sparrows cough, so now I am extra careful not to crowd him til lunch time or he gets snappy, and the last thing I want is for us to bicker away this golden week before show time.

14.01.2013 got the call today new game plan no hearing test just 17.01.2013 1st dose Herceptin will be given very slowly and hope no adverse reaction then 18.01.2013 start chemo x3 cycles. so I am busy arranging accomodation and travel etc

  • FormerMember

    Hello Mushty, 

    Thanks for sharing your experience with your Husband's diagnosis and treatment. I was wondering how you managed to get the Herceptin sorted out. Did you just ask your oncologist? Is your Dr NHS or private? We are having some trouble getting testing etc arranged through our local hospital. 

    All the best, Wease 

  • FormerMember

    Hello Wease2

    Sorry you are having trouble,its a hard enough fight without chasing tests.

    Peter is an NHS patient at The Royal Marsden Hospital.Chelsea.

    He was told his tumour had the H2 receptors therefor he would be given herceptin, I assumed they test everyone.

    Apparently only about 20% of tumours have the receptors.

    His regime is Herceptin, Carboplatin IV every 3 weeks and Oral Capeitabine for 21 days this will be done 3 times then CT scan and a new plan made . If all is going well he will have the Stent removed then.

    Our Best Wishes to you

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mushty, 

    Thanks for the info. Very envious your husband is being treated at Royal Marsden. We are based up north with a local District General and things seem to be several years behind the times! I hope your husband does really well on Chemo and gets his stent removed.

    My Dad had his stent fitted last Friday, so its all a bit of learning curve with what he can eat and keeping meal times interested. Would be graetful for any tips if you have any. 

    All the best, 

    Wease x

  • FormerMember

    Hello Wease2

    I hope that your Dad's Stent will give him relief. Thankyou for your good wishes,So far Peter is tolerating Chemo well.

    As to Stent tips. There are many different types I can only describe Peter's which is a removable self expanding type it was 1cm wide on insertion and expanded over 48hours to 2cm.So this is still a narrow appeture and it cannot stretch, food has to slip through as obviosly there is no muscle to down and it can also come back up.

    The dietician should have a fact sheet for you.

    Peter has progressed slowly from clear liquids to jelly and icecream, puree, mash and now very soft foods.He has regular small meals and snacks every 2 hours. sitting upright eats slowly and alone so no distractions. food has sauce /gravy/custard etc washes food down with water,chews well.

    He does not have bread, nuts,Shredded Wheat, dried fruit,hard boiled or fried egg,salad,fruit skin,hard vegetables, chips, chunky meat or dry fish. as these are the things most likly to cause a blockage

    He always flushes the Stent with Lemonade after each meal or snack and takes a 10 minute stroll round the block 4 times a day

    He only wears loose elasticated waist trousers, not tight pants or belts.

    His teeth no longer fitted due to weight loss so new ones should be ready tomorrow

    He never eats after 6.30pm and then only drinks water until morning he has a back rest in bed and sits up to sleep, as reflux was a problemhe is on lanzoprosil and it is improving .

    I cook everything myself and add extra calories using complan marvel cheeses cream peanut butter etc.

    Every meal is different I use coloured sauces and spices, I tend to make alternate savoury meals and sweet. for example today Porridge and bannana breakfast, complan hot chocolate mid morning, chicken curry and noodles lunch, fruit smoothie jelly and cream, tea time, vegetable soup and crackers dinner, he aims to drink 2.5 litres of fluid each 24 hours

    I seem to have rambled on and I apologise if I am telling you what you already knew.

    Best Wishes

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mushty, 

    Thank you for your reply. Its great that your husband as progressed so well with his eating. All that information is very helpful and I will be letting my parents know in the morning. This will really help them with ideas for meals especially as our hospital leaflet was fairly limited. My Dad's stent as only been fitted a few days but already has had some good relief from his symptoms. 

    Thanks again for taking the time to reply and wishing you both the very best, 

    Wease x