
Less than one minute read time.
Peters HB on Thursday was 9.2 just enough to get him on the trial. But the random allocation did not put him in the group that gets the MM-111 trial drug. This means he is eligable for taxol & herceptin weekly. His HB was 8.4 today so to low for treatment.however to give him a chance he has had a unit of blood with the taxol & herceptin today .he will have another unit of blood tomorrow. We got up at 4am today and his treatment should be finished at 7pm. We will stay here in the family accommodation tonight . which is a blessing as I am very tired and I'm not the patient. Peter looks dreadful but stoically carry's on. I feel we are due a bit of blue sky , so many knock backs lateley crikey this is a gloomy post, note to self don't write blog when I'm weary.
  • FormerMember

    I've always admired the upbeat attitude you have both had to this horrible disease so I think that given the recent knock backs I think a gloomy post is completely understandable.

    It's frustrating that Peter is not on the MM-111 drug but I hope you can both take some comfort from the fact that treatment is ongoing and hopefully his blood infusion will help to pink him up once more.

    I hope you can both rest up tonight in the family accomodation and that tomorrow runs a bit more according to plan.  Fingers crossed for an improved HB reading tomorrow.


  • FormerMember

    No wonder you're weary Mushty - what a long day, and then the frustration of not being on the MM-111. However, as PP says, he is on treatment, so hold on to that. I hope you both had some decent rest last night, and that the transfusion has lots of reinvigorated blood cells racing around Peter's body! Take care, my dear xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you PP and Tina, We were really struggling and  had to visualize massive cleats on our "cancer climbing boots" to get a grip and carry on.

    Your comments are very much appreciated , all the more so when I know you are both on your own journeys. Best Wishes to you and yours Mushty X