Trepidation Tuesday

1 minute read time.

We made the dawn trip to Marsden today with trepidation as Peter looks like a waxwork , extremely pale we played guess the hb on the train and I was on the nose 7.4.

It is a mystery where the bleed is as he is not nauseous or vomiting anything. his stools are black suggesting he is digesting blood but his urea levels are normal, scans and  endoscopy reports and pictures have been revisited and shown no bleeder. 

The team suggest maybe there is not a bleed at all and it could be the mets in his liver they said maybe throwing another dose of chemo at it might help so Peter went ahead and had Paclitaxol and Herceptin today. after all what is there to lose.

Tomorrow he will have two units of blood, his hb will be re- checked on Friday 

This is a slippery slope  we just don't seem to be able to get a grip and we are spending two and a half days a week at hospital or hospice appointments. The hospice are brilliant  with pain relief and Peter has fentanyl patches which are working well

I wonder are we being visited by vampires while we are sleeping or is Peter sucking his Picc in his sleep?

We have returned home tonight to get a good nights sleep, but I may keep one eye open just in case.

  • FormerMember

    Mushty, you must be exhausted. Interesting re the hb, D's is also moving up and down. The docetaxel was obviously impacting it, but it was a little low before he started. Similar to Peter, he has no obvious signs of a bleed, so I guess it could be the liver mets also. Or we have vampires too!

    Glad the pain relief is working well, and I hope that you both have a good night's rest. Will be willing that hb to rise by Friday. Hugs to you xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Tina, We did sleep well and set off refreshed this morning to fight another day. Hugs Mushty X