Timberrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!!!!

1 minute read time.

How proud I am of Peter , he  dug in and got through  cycle 7 extreme tiredness and weight loss a real problem , he has the ability to swallow but no desire to eat. However although borderline platelets he commenced cycle 8 yesterday so we have a finishing post in our sights and a new plan.

He has been told to snooze his way through these three weeks as he will feel much worse but this should improve when chemo is finished. The Dr stressed the importance of avoiding any danger of bleeding or bruising saying this is a major risk now as his bone marrow has really had enough ......

Fine we can do this I thought  until I found him this morning chain saw in hand about to fell the trees in a neighbors garden............ You probably heard me shouting at him.. ......He said Its only a favour and I will be careful famous last words the trees have to be  20 foot high . Our neighbor was horrified when I explained Peters state of health and will get someone else to do it.

I have confiscated the saws and hidden the shed keys...........

The electric beds are great  the night reflux is much better as Peter can re position himself with ease. he did unplug me on the first night tho and leave me legs in the air thinking I had broken my side. 

I have had to purchase new bed  linen as we have unintentionally gone from King size to Superking we didn't give a thought to the maths 2 x 3 foot is 6 foot........................ seemple.!!!!!!

Ascot over  and Wimbledon started, Thanks to Television  we have a grandstand view ,plenty to entertain us while summer rains down.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Mushty, 

    I hope the break from treatment is helping your husband regain some strength. I just showed your blog post to my Mum as she is having similar "problems" with our Dad trying to do much outside and in the Sheds. The post made my Mum laugh - so thank you for that! I am not sure she will go as far as to confiscate my Dad's keys so good on you for being able to do that! 

    Enjoy the rest of Wimbledon, 

    Wease x

  • FormerMember

    Hello wease2

    Thank you, I am glad it tickled your Mum its good to have a laugh as we all travel this rough road. 

    Best Wishes to you all Mushty x