The Days and The Words Get Longer.

1 minute read time.

Another long day in this fight for time, I am starting to feel this is an endurance test it certainly feels like it as the days are long and the problems come thick and fast with little opportunity to arm ourselves or dodge them.

Peter had 2 units of blood today, but his body has had enough of these constant frequent transfusions so he had a small rigor afterwards not bad but just enough to let us know its going to be a problem next time.

The Team finished their deliberations and concluded. 

The low and haemoglobin could be

1. A bleed although it has not been located so he has commenced Tranexamic Acid which promotes clotting this in itself is another gamble as the chemo and Picc make Peter at increased risk of developing a clot.but the hope is if there is a bleed this may seal it.

2.Peters iron stores may be depleted, he will start IV Iron next week if the results of a blood test taken today.

3.Angiogenisis which it is hoped the paclitaxol and herceptin will disrupt this.

4. If it continues to drop at the present rate were in serious trouble.

On the plus side Peter has a pink face again and looks pretty good,he feels o.k, in fact tonight hes got more energy than me.

And so to bed, its hospice day tomorrow.

  • FormerMember

    I think we'd all be great scrabble players with these new words we are constantly learning.  I had to look up angiogenesis!  Glad that Peter is now pink and no longer a waxwork.  Given what he has had to endure it is amazing he feels ok, but it says a lot about him that he continues to battle on.  I hope todays hospice day goes to plan, and don't forget to share any more new medical terms you come across!

    All the best,


  • FormerMember

    Brilliant idea to play scrabble we certainly know some great scoring words. Sadly this morning was well and truly pear shaped, but I have learned what to do next time Peter starts wasting the red stuff.

    Best Wishes to you Mushty x