Steamy Windows.

1 minute read time.

I often wonder how other people choose their username's sometimes its easy to see a name spelt backwards, or a joining of two names. for my part Peter has always called me Mushty so I used it. 

Our eldest daughter was horrified she said the word has a filthy slang meaning....................... now before you all rush to Google it she was winding us up. it means a warm and cuddly person .... nice eh?

So what are Mushty and Peter up to.

We are back home following a successful week away. Peter did join us for the last few days. but he is considerably weaker now and tires activities were more board games Quiz'es and charades. which as the weather was grim wasn't a bad thing. The caravan rocked and swayed in the wind and the site flooded all adding to the excitement. I hoped to be rescued by men in uniform but it wasn't to be I had to don my welly's and make my own way to dry land.

Years ago when our youngest daughter was 18 and still living at home our road was flooded, troops were called in to evacuate the elderly residents, our daughter was lifted into a boat by a group of gorgeous firemen, taken to their station, given a hot meal and one of the firemen came round our house for weeks afterwards to clean her car and check she was o.k. eventually it was obvious she wasn't interested and he stopped coming.

 Anyway given this past experience you can understand why I hoped to be rescued from the caravan...

However Peter said they wouldn't have the heavy lifting gear to deal with me, and a kicking water splash fight in the flood ensued, 

We watched other kids getting piggy backed through the water but our three grandchildren sploshed around with us, then stripped off to their underwear for the drive home.

Obviously Peter and I didn't strip but when I put the 'fire' on in the car, we steamed up the windows almost as much as we used to when we were courting ..  

  • FormerMember

    Hello Mushty.  I enjoyed reading your post today, really made me laugh.  Glad you enjoyed your break.  Bad luck about the firemen, that's been my ambition too.

    I've often wondered about people's user names, thank you for clearing up the mystery about yours.  Margaret is my official name but I haven't used it much since I was a child learning to read and write and decided a shorter name would be preferable!  It's now become my cancer name as it's on my NHS records and I didn't want to cause confusion at the hospital.  853 are just random numbers. 

    You might enjoy the next post in my music blog which will be coming soon.  Somebody suggested the subject of perfect seduction music and funnily enough their message included the words "those tracks that made car windows steam up".  xx