Rejection :(

1 minute read time.

Its been a good day Peter sold his one of his dinghy's, its being collected tomorrow so rather than waiting around at the lockup I had the bright idea of bringing it here. We wrestled the beast into the back of the van, got it out here, ran out of puff so left it leaning against the wall in the hall, we look right ready for a flood. Any way we can't get past it to the front door now. and haven't the energy to take it out the back  Fortunately our youngest daughter is visiting at first light so she will help us get out of this predicament. You can imagine the giggles and niggles Peter and I have had today.

So all was hopping along fine here until an hour ago when

We had a call from Peter's Registrar at The Marsden to inform us The tissue samples sent to the States to see if Peter was a suitable candidate for trial have been rejected :(  

We feel as if we failed an exam, it is a blow as we had set our sights on 14th January to start treatment.


Peter is to have another CT scan on Saturday 11.1.14, we will get the result on Tuesday 14.1.14. and discuss other options which the Registrar briefly outlined tonight as:-

1. Have repeat biopsies which may be accepted for a different trial. this is, we are advised ,the best option but time is drifting by without treatment.

2 Repeat same chemo as 1st 8 cycles

3 Try a different chemotherapy

4 Not have any more treatment.

We are grateful to have been given a heads up before Tuesday, just have to hope CT doesn't reveal to much more progression as its not long since last one.

  • FormerMember

    Oh Mushty, I am sorry that you have received disappointing news, especially as you were so prepared to start treatment again. But there are still obviously options, and you obviously have a great medical team fighting your corner. I will have everything crossed for the scan over the weekend, and for better news on Tuesday. Thinking of you both xx