
1 minute read time.

Monday morning saw us up at 4am and on the early train to London. Our weekend has been wonderful Peters swallowing has improved no end and we enjoyed a Sunday lunch of roast chicken, boiled potato, runner beans, carrots, marrow & yorkshire pudding it was amazing to see him eating. sat ingarden and even got a bit of a tan.

Any way back to Monday, Peter has developed canulation phlebitis, his arm has quickly become red swollen, hot and sore elbow to wrist , Dr has prescribed a massive kick ass dose of antibiotics to try and stop it (4000mg Flucloxacillin per day) and if there is  no improvement by Thursday he will have to go in for IV antibiotics, so fingers crossed on that one.

His feet and hands are in good shape a week off chemo and daily massage with the udder ointment have worked a treat and  slathers on the cream and sleeps in white gloves. ( Its like sleeping with a Magician)

Platelets have shot up 177 . Wow. And he continues to hold his weight.

The Professor has suggested Peter continue with chemo as tumor is still difficult to assess it doesn't seem to be bigger but is very dense and with two stents in its very hard to gauge. this was a bit of a blow as we thought only one more cycle to go , but now it will be another 3 cycles a total of 8.

However we soon rallied and if his swallowing is o.k it will be a lot easier than the last cycles as he can swallow tablets again, hurrah no more Ribena shakes.

And so we continue next appointment is 2nd May for the Stent shuffle.........................

Best wishes to everyone on this twisty bumpy horrid roller coaster ride hang on in there xxx

