Oh......... Were Halfway There

1 minute read time.

Well the weekend was wonderful thankyou reuby and TinaM for your comments.

The newly built hotel was very comfortable.and the music bought back many memories, we sang along with gusto, not much dancing tho as Peters feet still healing, and for great big chunks of time we were so absorbed we forgot that Cancer was traveling with us.

Meals were our biggest problem as Peter is only able to swallow mushy foods, and although we tried to choose sensibley from the extensive menue, he got food stuck twice but amazingly no one noticed as we discreetly cleared the blockage into a lidded pot we take everywhere just in case. I suppose other people are to busy eating there own meals to see, or else they were being very British.

Any way back to reality straight up to The Marsden, platelets 101 so able to commence cycle 4.of 6

whoo hoo over the halfway point. but halfway to where ????????????? he is inoperable thats all we know for sure.

Peter would have been due for a CT scan now but as he had one to determine where the stent had got to he has to wait until cycle 6. We had a long session with the Doctors and Dietician because although Peters swallowing is so poor he is maintaining his weight, mind you I have managed to put on weight all my life so I guess with me cooking for him he would.

I have to smile tho, when I am in the supermarket filling my trolley with the highest calorie foods I can find, Double Cream Jersey milk, chocolate, peanut butter etc there is not a low fat item in sight and I see people look at me, glance in my trolley and shake their heads. LOL

He continues to telerate the chemo, just the expected tolerable cracked hands cramping fingers etc and today bloodshot eye and of course his red face is back......

Like so many others here we live our lives in 3 week cycles and they do pass very fast, I suddenly realize there are not many capacetabine tablets in the box so it must be time to go again.
