
1 minute read time.

37 Years where did they go? tomorrow we set off on an anniversary weekend break ,how things have changed 37 years ago we had a weekend honeymoon in Oxford. we had £40 between us and it was such carefree fun

Now I am packing complan, capecitabine,Ribena metoclopromide etc medical records emergency contact numbers.dressings plasters trying to think of everything Peter may need. wouldn't it be great if you could just take a weekend off from cancer every now and then just to gather your strength.

Fingers crossed we ,manage o.k .Peters swallowing is getting worse, semi solids and fluids are all he can manage his weight is stable at 12.8 its really odd because he looks so much thinner.

He has next chemo/Dr appointment on Tuesday so will try and get something organised to improve swallowing. I wonder if it is food debris blocking ( but as yet there is no odour) or is the chemo and herceptin not working I feel we should have seen an improvement by now.

He says he feels fine but he is not one to complain. His poor feet are healing slowly.

Postmans just arrived lovely moonpig card from our youngest daughter with pictures of our wedding I haven't changed a bit ( until I put my glasses on to get a clearer look ). Black and White we couldn't afford colour but we look so happy.

When I think about the years, we have achieved so much and laughed and had the best and worst of times.

.So enough thinking about how this cancer is changing things. We will leave tomorrow to celebrate and be glad that we can be together, and we will laugh and forget for a while.

These times are precious

  • FormerMember

    I hope you both have a wonderful time, and enjoy every moment. These times are indeed precious, and it is good to try and escape in some way from the day to day trials and tribulations. Have fun, and laugh lots! xx

  • FormerMember

    Enjoy your wonderful weekend together.  Time is so precious and to forget about things for a while is a blessing. well done, go for it!! xx