Deck the Halls

2 minute read time.

Last week has been another busy one with appointments. I went to see the breast nurses on Tuesday morning and had my mastectomy area drained again. I told them I had my appointment for my radiotherapy and needed the seroma to just stop now. They fitted me with a compression corset and to wear it with a fake boob to keep pressure on the site. So far so good It’s still nice and flat long may it continue.

On Thursday I had a phone consultation with my Radiotherapy oncologist. He was literally the nicest man ever and we had a right old laugh. He actually called me 4 times over the day with different options for treatment which would get the best results. He did have concerns about my heart as the radiotherapy would potentially hit it so sent me some breathing exercises to practice holding my breath so my heart would be out the way. The other risk to targeting all of my lymph node areas is that I have a high chance of getting lymphedema with radiotherapy to the lymph nodes in my neck and not having any left in my armpit. The swelling would happen in my arm and face! Brilliant. Some good news though is I can’t start my second chemo cycle on 20th December as the Capecitabine doesn’t work well with Radiotherapy. I’ll restart this a week after my Radiotherapy ends. I checked with him and he said that I wouldn’t need to stay away from anyone and was totally safe to hold babies and be around pregnant and other vulnerable people which is amazing news!

On Friday morning, I headed up to the Northern Centre For Cancer Care for my Radiotherapy pre assessment. I’m super lucky to live where I do and have 4 amazing hospitals all within a 15 min drive away from me, and for those hospitals to have amazing Cancer units and facilities that are top of the range. The appointment only lasted half an hour. I was fitted on a board and measured where my arms and head should be placed and put through a CT scanner. I was then marked with tattoos down the middle of my chest, on each side of my rib cage and my armpits. The marks are the tiniest dots ever. Once I had been in the shower and washed off the ink I struggled to see where they were. My Radiotherapy is going to be aimed at my armpit and neck for lymph nodes and also my breast bone to target any tissue that may be left after my mastectomy. I have my first appointment on the 29th December. They initially wanted to start me on the 19th but with the 4 day weekend for Christmas couldn’t leave that many days in-between treatments.

This weekend I face the worst job of the year and got all of my Christmas decorations up. I bloody love it when they are done, and I can sit and enjoy them but actually doing it takes me all of my will power and a lot of wine. I just need to get my presents wrapped this week and Christmas is sorted.
