Baby Talk

1 minute read time.

For someone who never wanted kids, I’m now stressing about wanting kids.

An appointment with the fertility clinic and the option to have eggs harvested and frozen (sounds like I’m meal prepping) is not an option. There’s no time. It’s not all bad news though! Although when you say 35 and baby in the same sentence you get the ‘time is ticking’ comment thrown in your face, apparently that’s not true. I’m fine.

Now, of course, I may not be fine after 6 cycles of chemo which is going to blast the shit out of everything, but it turns out I’ve unknowingly been helping myself for years. Being on the contraceptive injection stops your ovaries from being active. This will reduce the chance of chemo attacking them if they are dormant. Amazing. I’ll continue with that and hope for the best. On top of everything that is going on I was hoping I didn’t need to stop taking my depo injection. I 100% DO NOT want to have to face having a period after 15 years of forgetting it was even a thing.

More to think about, more unknown and ‘what ifs’ going round in my poor tired brain. But another appointment ticked off and boxed off.

Oncology appointment tomorrow. The big one. Literally wetting myself.
